Battle Brothers collections
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5 Results
My own list of mods to improve Battle Brothers Legends gameplay. It includes the popular Stronghold mod and other quality of life mods. All mods that add some advantage over vanilla are marked as optional.
Endorsements 23
Downloads 3.4k
File size 1.0GB
No. of mods 25
Success rating 77%
Endorsements 3
Downloads 429
File size 339.2MB
No. of mods 27
Success rating --
Legends + series of mods to have the game fair, with good quality of life
Endorsements 1
Downloads 190
File size 340.0MB
No. of mods 24
Success rating 53%
Just my personal mod collection that I use every time I play. They all work together as of Feb 08, 2024. To use collection use Steam Library-> Steam Apps -> Battle Brothers -> Data Have Fun!
Endorsements 0
Downloads 105
File size 347.0MB
No. of mods 21
Success rating --
Endorsements 0
Downloads 33
File size 347.4MB
No. of mods 21
Success rating --