Enderal Special Edition collections
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9 Results
Vanilla PlusAdult
A one-click solution to making Enderal feel slightly nicer to play with no sweeping system changes.
Endorsements 28
Downloads 2.1k
File size 6.2GB
No. of mods 49
Success rating 77%
Vanilla PlusAdult
An Enderal Vanilla Experience. No Enderal Overhaul Mod. Just a Vanilla with Sprinkles collection and some Quality of Life Enhancements.
Endorsements 7
Downloads 804
File size 11.3GB
No. of mods 64
Success rating 65%
Just some basic QoL mods that improves gameplay while not changing the original atmosphere which is great on its own.
Endorsements 1
Downloads 34
File size 1.2GB
No. of mods 14
Success rating --
Endorsements 1
Downloads 8
File size 180.7MB
No. of mods 4
Success rating --
Endorsements 1
Downloads 138
File size 6.2GB
No. of mods 58
Success rating 72%
Enderal is already beautiful visually. That's why this collection is fucusing on better gameplay with VALHALLA, PRECISION, TRUEHUD and CFPAO. Some quality of life mods, few new visuals ones.
Endorsements 0
Downloads 79
File size 3.4GB
No. of mods 125
Success rating --
DEUTSCH! Eine Collection, die Enderal noch etwas an Feinschliff verpasst. Gameplay- und optische Änderungen. Bleibt dem Original treu. Die Ultra-Version enthält Texturpakete von höherer Qualität, sowie Mods für ein moderneres Kampfsystem.
Endorsements 0
Downloads 46
File size 97.3GB
No. of mods 196
Success rating --
DEUTSCH! Eine Collection, die Enderal noch etwas an Feinschliff verpasst. Gameplay- und optische Änderungen. Bleibt dem Original treu.
Endorsements 0
Downloads 8
File size 4.9GB
No. of mods 49
Success rating --
Endorsements 0
Downloads 135
File size 81.7MB
No. of mods 13
Success rating --