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Changes dukes stack to 50k and adds dukes bundle per 50k
Endorsements 26
Downloads 820
File size 1.0KB
Increases the chance of finding more items in the airdrop box.
Endorsements 34
Downloads 1.9k
File size 1.0KB
This mod increases chances to find books and magazines in piles.
Endorsements 123
Downloads 4.4k
File size 1.0KB
Traders closes on 23:59 and opens at 00:01.
Endorsements 78
Downloads 2.9k
File size 1.0KB
Its simple, changes skill points per level from 1 range to 10.
Endorsements 116
Downloads 4.1k
File size 1.0KB
Mod increases chances to get loot drops from 2% to 30% and loot bags will remain 15-60 min then the items disappear. It works on all zombies + on zombie mods. A19-V1.0 compatible!
Endorsements 577
Downloads 25.2k
File size 1.0KB