Enderal Special Edition
Enderal Special Edition

Enderal Special Edition collections

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20 Results
Path of the Prophet
Path of the Prophet focuses on modernizing the gameplay and graphics of Enderal and adds new fitting content while still keeping in line with the original game.

Endorsements 836

No. of mods 533

Success rating 81%

Enderal SE Enhanced
A one-click solution to making Enderal feel slightly nicer to play with no sweeping system changes.

Endorsements 30

No. of mods 49

Success rating 77%

EGO: Gameplay, Content, QoL
Light weight modlist built for the best gameplay experience. Includes EGO and all the bells and whistles, plus some tedium removing alterations.

Endorsements 16

No. of mods 30

Success rating 77%

A Vanilla Plus Experience
An Enderal Vanilla Experience. No Enderal Overhaul Mod. Just a Vanilla with Sprinkles collection and some Quality of Life Enhancements.

Endorsements 7

No. of mods 64

Success rating 65%

For comfort and fun gameplay with all necessary improvements.

Endorsements 4

No. of mods 112

Success rating 73%

2022 Graphics and Gameplay Stable
A Graphics and Gameplay overhaul to bring Enderal Special Edition up to modern gameplay standards. I am utilizing Nemesis alonside other combat overhauls to achive a more Dark Souls gameplay experience.

Endorsements 3

No. of mods 199

Success rating 50%

Enderal for dummy mages
Collection to make mages gameplay more diverse and easy with new spells and systems and skill progression by their usage and/or with books. Many new dungeons and locations included. All assets in this collection belong to other authors

Endorsements 1

No. of mods 82

Success rating 64%

Enderal Full overhaul
This is my custom Enderal mod collection.

Endorsements 1

No. of mods 40

Success rating --

Enderal Enhanced
Just some basic QoL mods that improves gameplay while not changing the original atmosphere which is great on its own.

Endorsements 1

No. of mods 14

Success rating --

classic (little fixes)
Just a small collection of little fixes and improvements.

Endorsements 1

No. of mods 4

Success rating --

Enderal: Reworked
Enderal: Reworked is an Overhaul that changes mostly gameplay wise aspects of the game. The Player, NPCs, Creatures & Animals, Animations, Camera, Sounds & Engine Fixes. Screenshots by players are more than welcome!

Endorsements 1

No. of mods 118

Success rating --

More Unique Enderal
Just a few dozen to make the game more unique.

Endorsements 1

No. of mods 58

Success rating --

Porkins' Basic Enderal
Some basic stuff. Fast travel, stronger summons, skill reset, and a bunch of extra locations.

Endorsements 0

No. of mods 14

Success rating 25%

Enderal GOG Enhanced Edition
DEUTSCH! Eine Collection, die Enderal noch etwas an Feinschliff verpasst. Gameplay- und optische Änderungen. Bleibt dem Original treu.

Endorsements 0

No. of mods 49

Success rating --

Light improvements in Enderal
Enderal is already beautiful visually. That's why this collection is fucusing on better gameplay with VALHALLA, PRECISION, TRUEHUD and CFPAO. Some quality of life mods, few new visuals ones.

Endorsements 0

No. of mods 125

Success rating --

Enderal Essentials
A basic collection of mods that make Enderal ender-able. I'll let myself out.

Endorsements 0

No. of mods 60

Success rating --

Light Graphics
Just a little bit more quality and atmosphere

Endorsements 0

No. of mods 13

Success rating --

No More Skyrim 2
Attempts to remove all Skyrim elements from Enderal. Replaces UI, adds new combat mechanics, and more!

Endorsements 0

No. of mods 73

Success rating 38%

Endorsements 0

No. of mods 71

Success rating --

Enderal GOG Enhanced Edition (Ultra)
DEUTSCH! Eine Collection, die Enderal noch etwas an Feinschliff verpasst. Gameplay- und optische Änderungen. Bleibt dem Original treu. Die Ultra-Version enthält Texturpakete von höherer Qualität, sowie Mods für ein moderneres Kampfsystem.

Endorsements 0

No. of mods 196

Success rating --