My Summer Car collections
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9 Results
Endorsements 13
Downloads 3.7k
File size 120.6MB
No. of mods 42
Success rating --
A collection of carefully selected mods that add many things, from small additions to new vehicles (actually just one). Some mods in this collection can make your life easier.
Endorsements 3
Downloads 355
File size 89.8MB
No. of mods 30
Success rating 57%
Endorsements 2
Downloads 666
File size 23.3MB
No. of mods 26
Success rating 65%
Endorsements 2
Downloads 524
File size 58.2MB
No. of mods 12
Success rating 78%
Endorsements 2
Downloads 703
File size 318.5MB
No. of mods 81
Success rating 60%
Endorsements 1
Downloads 398
File size 497.2MB
No. of mods 69
Success rating --
Endorsements 0
Downloads 411
File size 207.9KB
No. of mods 6
Success rating 65%
A great collection for My Summer Car with some essential mods that will increase your experience without a significant fps lost.
Endorsements 0
Downloads 184
File size 1.0MB
No. of mods 10
Success rating 50%
Endorsements 0
Downloads 79
File size 92.7MB
No. of mods 30
Success rating 71%