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minimal collections on patch 2.0



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Below are all the mods that are contained within this collection.

Mod name
Failed to load imagepsiberxModders Resources
Failed to load imageanygoodnameUtilities
Better Loot Markers
Failed to load imagerodikhUser Interface
Clear Skill Checks
Failed to load imagermk1234User Interface
Failed to load imagepsiberxModders Resources
Crouch vignette effect remover
Failed to load imagefox77xMiscellaneous
Cyber Drift
Failed to load imageShinyaONVehicles
Cyber Engine Tweaks
Failed to load imageyamashiModders Resources
Cyber Vehicle Overhaul
Failed to load imageE3roKKVehicles
EZ Arcade - Now with Arasaka3D
Failed to load imagetickotoGameplay
Fast Launch (Skip Intro - Startup Videos)
Failed to load imageInstanityMiscellaneous
Filter Saves by Lifepath and Type
Failed to load imagermk1234User Interface
Game v2.0 patch - No Forced Weapon On Carrying Bodies
Failed to load imageanygoodnameGameplay
Game v2.0 patch - Quick Message Exit
Failed to load imageanygoodnameGameplay
General Performance Improvements (ini Tweaks) - Updated for 2.0
Failed to load imageTheManualEnhancerGameplay
Immersive First Person
Failed to load imageBonanikiGameplay
Increased Level of Details Distance - Draw Distance
Failed to load imageDBK01Visuals and Graphics
Failed to load imageWopsSModders Resources
Read All Shards
Failed to load imageanygoodnameUser Interface
Realistic Traffic Density
Failed to load imageNattyKathyVisuals and Graphics
Remove UI Shadow Glow (Great for HDR and Still Needed in 2.1)
Failed to load imagexCythoUser Interface
Remove fake distance fog
Failed to load imagenoobsaibot2255Visuals and Graphics
Reset Attributes always available - Redscript
Failed to load imageyakuzadesoGameplay
Restore Hair Shadows For Ray Tracing - DELETED
Failed to load imagesosuineVisuals and Graphics
Simple Flashlight
Failed to load imageNexusGuy999Gameplay
Simple XP Multiplier
Failed to load imagermk1234Gameplay
Smoother Dodge And Dash
Failed to load imagezouzoulleGameplay
Soft Crafting
Failed to load imageRalphModdingCrafting
Stash Filters
Failed to load imagedjkovrikUser Interface
Stealth Finishers (ZKV_Takedowns)
Failed to load imageKvalyrGameplay
Failed to load imagepsiberxModders Resources
Unlimited Carry Capacity
Failed to load imageJb0238177Gameplay
Unlimited Eddies (money)
Failed to load imageJb0238177Gameplay
Upscaling Quality and RT Performance Tweaks (outdated)
Failed to load imageclementine4crimsonScripts
Failed to load imagejac3km4Modders Resources