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Small mod collection for QoL and Immersion. No big Gameplay changes.



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Below are all the mods that are contained within this collection.

Mod name
(DEPRECATED) Unequip Cyberware
Failed to load imagePotatoOfDoom1337Gameplay
AI Netrunners Enhanced (Not updated for 2.0)
Failed to load imagermk1234Gameplay
Always First Equip
Failed to load imagedjkovrikGameplay
Amateur Hackers
Failed to load imageScissors123454321Gameplay
Failed to load imagepsiberxModders Resources
Armor Fix for All Weapons (Pre-2.0 only)
Failed to load imagermk1234Gameplay
Baby Driver 2.0
Failed to load imagePressurePlateVehicles
Better Loot Markers
Failed to load imagerodikhUser Interface
Better Vehicle First Person
Failed to load imageBonanikiGameplay
Breach Takedown
Failed to load imageScissors123454321Gameplay
Car Modification Shop
Failed to load imageE3roKKVehicles
Clear Skill Checks
Failed to load imagermk1234User Interface
Constant Upgrade Cost
Failed to load imageMelonfaceCrafting
Crafting Quality of Life (Pre-2.0 only)
Failed to load imagermk1234Gameplay
Cyber Engine Tweaks
Failed to load imageyamashiModders Resources
Cyber Vehicle Overhaul
Failed to load imageE3roKKVehicles
Damage Scaling and Balance (Formerly Level Scaling)
Failed to load imagermk1234Gameplay
Dot No More and - no Sticky Crosshair - no sticky Subtitles - no sticky Progress Bar - no Shard sticky hum
Failed to load imageanygoodnameUser Interface
Extended and Improved Headlights
Failed to load imageNexusGuy999Gameplay
Eye Adaptation Complete Overhaul - Auto Exposure Fix - Diverse Weather Variant - Optionally Disable Sharpening and Disable Vignette
Failed to load imageDravic1Visuals and Graphics
Hide Read Shards
Failed to load imagedjkovrikMiscellaneous
Immersive First Person
Failed to load imageBonanikiGameplay
Immersive Rippers
Failed to load imagedeceptiousGameplay
Improved Minimap Zoom
Failed to load imagedjkovrikUser Interface
Improved Radio
Failed to load imageSeank23Audio
Input Loader
Failed to load imagejackhumbertUtilities
AdultJudy Romanced Enhanced
Failed to load imagedeceptiousGameplay
LOD Improvements (Distant Level of Detail) - Mostly Pre 1.5
Failed to load imageSeracenVisuals and Graphics
Lamborghini Terzo Millennio (Rayfield Caliburn Replacer)
Failed to load imageysl456Vehicles
Lizzy's Bar Enhanced
Failed to load imageKrat0esAppearance
Mod Settings
Failed to load imagejackhumbertUser Interface
Native Settings UI
Failed to load imageNexusGuy999Modders Resources
No Intro Videos
Failed to load imagedjkovrikUser Interface
Only Smartweapon Crosshairs
Failed to load imageNexusGuy999Gameplay
AdultPanam Romanced Enhanced
Failed to load imagedeceptiousGameplay
Pet Your Cat
Failed to load imagedeceptiousGameplay
Pocket Radio
Failed to load imageNexusGuy999Gameplay
Failed to load imageWopsSModders Resources
Ragdoll Physics Overhaul
Failed to load imageSketchCriticMiscellaneous
Real Vendor Names
Failed to load imagedjkovrikUser Interface
Refill Ammo from Vehicle Trunk
Failed to load imagebobrobbowGameplay
Restore Legendary Ping
Failed to load imageScissors123454321Gameplay
Separate FPS Limits
Failed to load imageRattmuffVisuals and Graphics
Silent Silencers and Throwing Knives
Failed to load imagermk1234Gameplay
Simple Flashlight
Failed to load imageNexusGuy999Gameplay
Simple XP Multiplier
Failed to load imagermk1234Gameplay
Simple untrack quest
Failed to load imageAngeloreUser Interface
Status Bar Bug Fixes
Failed to load imagermk1234Gameplay
Stop spammers
Failed to load imageanygoodnameUser Interface
Failed to load imagepsiberxGameplay
Failed to load imagepsiberxModders Resources
Unequip Mods
Failed to load imagePotatoOfDoom1337Gameplay
V's Edgerunners Mansion - Apartment DLC
Failed to load imageNexusGuy999Gameplay
Vehicle Summon Tweaks
Failed to load imagedjkovrikGameplay
Weather Probability Rebalance
Failed to load imagermk1234Visuals and Graphics
Failed to load imagejac3km4Modders Resources
flib's UI Improvements
flibdevUser Interface
Failed to load imagejac3km4Modders Resources
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