Monster Hunter Rise collections
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4 Results
This collection aims to make the game experience smoother and to reduce the time between quests and between fights a quest, and to make gathering quests more fun/faster. No mods in here are intended to give an unfair advantage on gameplay.
Endorsements 57
Downloads 8.5k
File size 2.3MB
No. of mods 21
Success rating 77%
Mostly QOL mods with a few cheater ones. however, the cheater ones are configurable. You can make them entirely balanced, or give yourself a million damage and infinite health. So it's up to you if it's fair or not.
Endorsements 1
Downloads 353
File size 79.4MB
No. of mods 31
Success rating 45%
Multiplayer friendly collection of mods to improve greatly. Made for myself and friends, but feel free to add suggestions in the comments if you wish!
Endorsements 0
Downloads 149
File size 7.6MB
No. of mods 14
Success rating 66%
I'm too lazy to be installing each mod so I made a collection of mods I use
Endorsements 0
Downloads 246
File size 47.4MB
No. of mods 13
Success rating 57%