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A collection of QoL and small gameplay improvements to go alongside Iceborne Community Edition.



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Below are all the mods that are contained within this collection.

Mod name
Better Input Detection
Failed to load imageAsteriskAmpersandUser Interface
Better Palico AI
Failed to load imageweitianqGameplay
Clarity - More details for skills and items.
Failed to load imageavatoxicoUser Interface
Cuter Handler Face Model (Post-Iceborne) aka Make Handler Cuter Again
Failed to load imageUberGrainyCharacters
Descriptive Food Skills (Iceborne)
Failed to load imageTheRealMrSeptemberUser Interface
Guiding Lands Gathering Indicator
Failed to load imageceluloidUser Interface
Increased Trap Capacity
Failed to load imagedragoniceblazeGameplay
MHW Costume Armor (Transmog)
Failed to load imageModsPalPuebloArmour and Clothing
Monster Weakness Icon Indicator for Iceborne (Hi-Res)
Failed to load imageceluloidUser Interface
More Wedge Beetles (Iceborne Edition)
Failed to load imageDaveurrrEnvironmental
Performance Booster and Plugin Extender
Failed to load imageAsteriskAmpersandUtilities
Souvenir's Light Pillar
Failed to load imageEisus2589Visuals and Graphics
Stracker's Loader
Failed to load imageStrackerUtilities
Tic Rate Fix
Failed to load imageAsteriskAmpersandUtilities