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Dialogue Expansion - Imperial Soldiers
AdamDunmer's avatar

Skyrim Special Edition

Dialogue Expansion - Imperial Soldiers

by AdamDunmer

Category: Immersion

Hello! This mod adds 150+ lore-friendly lines of dialogue to Imperial soldiers across Skyrim! There is a plenitude of new "Greet" lines as well as thirteen new scenes (NPC-NPC conversations). They also have new things to chat about depending on the player's progress in the Civil War Imperial questline. ESPFE. Voiced by Elevenlabs AI.

Endorsements 418

Downloads 47.3k

File size 25.0MB

Dialogue Expansion - Windhelm
AdamDunmer's avatar

Skyrim Special Edition

Dialogue Expansion - Windhelm

by AdamDunmer

Category: Immersion

Hello! This mod adds 700+ lore-friendly lines of dialogue to the existing residents of Windhelm (about 30 NPCS are modified). NPCS were given major dialogue overhauls so as to really represent the sterile, hostile nature of Windhelm, itself. I also added 30 more scenes (NPC-NPC conversations) between them all. Voiced by 11labs AI. ESPFE.

Endorsements 774

Downloads 92k

File size 197.9MB

Dialogue Expansion - Shor's Stone
AdamDunmer's avatar

Skyrim Special Edition

Dialogue Expansion - Shor's Stone

by AdamDunmer

Category: Immersion

Hello! This mod adds around 250 lines of dialogue to the existing denizens of Shor's Stone: Odfel, Sylgja, Grogmar, and Filnjar. The player has more to talk about(Ask Sylgja about how her family's doing, etc). I also added 9 more scenes (NPC-NPC convos) between them all. So sit down by the campfire and enjoy the dialogue! Voiced by 11labs AI.ESPFE

Endorsements 504

Downloads 57.7k

File size 53.4MB

Dialogue Expansion - Indaryn-Ingun-Asgeir-Alessandra
AdamDunmer's avatar

Skyrim Special Edition

Dialogue Expansion - Indaryn-Ingun-Asgeir-Alessandra

by AdamDunmer

Category: Immersion

Hello! This is yet another dialogue expansion to liven the world of Skyrim. This mod adds around 140 lines of dialogue (137 in total) to the NPCS in the title. Four scenes (NPC conversations) have been added as well (2 for Indaryn, 1 each for Ingun/Asgeir). Voiced via Elevenlabs AI. ESPFE, so it won't take up a spot in your load order.

Endorsements 458

Downloads 39.6k

File size 33.6MB

Dialogue Expansion - Khajiit Caravans
AdamDunmer's avatar

Skyrim Special Edition

Dialogue Expansion - Khajiit Caravans

by AdamDunmer

Category: Immersion

Hello. This is the second part of a series of several planned dialogue expansions to liven the world of Skyrim. This mod adds around 150 lines of dialogue (149 to be exact) to Khajiiti caravan merchants around Skyrim. Also, 3 scenes have been added between Ri'saad and Ma'randru Jo. ESPFE. Voiced via Elevenlabs AI. Updates to come!

Endorsements 655

Downloads 63.9k

File size 54.2MB

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