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Alteration and Restoration Redux
Aertyr's avatar


Alteration and Restoration Redux

by Aertyr

Category: Magic - Gameplay

Wards and Armor spells have always seemed a little off to me... why bother leveling mage armor when you can just use Dragonhide? Why cant healing spells damage undead? Why are durations so short, and why can\'t we at least use helmets with mage armor (for dragon masks). If you\'re anything like me, you\'ve been using many different mods to address

Endorsements 624

Downloads 11.5k

File size 7.0KB

Bound Weapon Redux
Aertyr's avatar


Bound Weapon Redux

by Aertyr

Category: Magic - Gameplay

Bound weapons have always been a cool concept, but their implementation is virtually always... lacking. This mod aims to bring bound weapons into play as a viable choice and perhaps even a preferable one.

Endorsements 3.1k

Downloads 63.3k

File size 6.0KB

Spell Sneak Attacks 2
Aertyr's avatar


Spell Sneak Attacks 2

by Aertyr

Category: Magic - Gameplay

Spellthiefs rejoice, this mod makes all Destruction projectile spells able to benefit from sneak attack and the Dark Brotherhood gloves. Strike with a fireball from the shadows or impale that guard with a ice spike from the shadows.

Endorsements 5.2k

Downloads 145.2k

File size 47.0KB

Enchantment Balance Overhaul
Aertyr's avatar


Enchantment Balance Overhaul

by Aertyr

Category: Magic - Spells & Enchantments

Looking for an enchantment mod that adds flexibility but doesnt make your characters broken? A way to scale spells without simply being handed it for free? This mod is a revamp of the overlooked parts of enchanting to add flexibility and a sense of balance to magic that Skyrim was originally lacking.

Endorsements 799

Downloads 18.1k

File size 32.0KB

Artifact Balance Overhaul
Aertyr's avatar


Artifact Balance Overhaul

by Aertyr

Category: Items and Objects - Player

Ever wish you could upgrade Wuuthrad or that those artifacts you keep finding were actually powerful alternatives to enchanting? This mod aims to buff all artifacts in line with max enchantment created weapons and armors so when you find that sweet artifact you’ll consider using it instead of just putting it on your mantelpiece.

Endorsements 1.5k

Downloads 31.1k

File size 44.0KB

Flexible perk trees
Aertyr's avatar


Flexible perk trees

by Aertyr

Category: Skills and Leveling

Ever get frustrated that you couldn\'t level up a skill that\'s beneath the one you have trained? Maybe you\'re a light armored assassin who prefers Daedric weapons to glass? Or an enchanter who can\'t help but be tickled by the idea of lightning jumping from your blade and can\'t be bothered to learn the fire/ice perks. This mod allows you to leve

Endorsements 447

Downloads 9.8k

File size 4.0KB

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