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Follower Pack
AllThingsTrivial's avatar

Fallout New Vegas

Follower Pack

by AllThingsTrivial

Category: Companions

This mod adds eight companions for you to find and enjoy as well as a number of purchasable non-essential companions. Each companion is fully functional with companion wheel and some of them have special unique features to discover.

Endorsements 15

Downloads 382

File size 33.0KB

Wacky Weapons Pack
AllThingsTrivial's avatar

Fallout New Vegas

Wacky Weapons Pack

by AllThingsTrivial

Category: Weapons

Ever wanted a large collection of weapons with varying degrees of usefulness? Do you need weird and wonderful things to happen whilst you're trying to concentrate on combat? Then this is the mod for you. Gasp in awe as you fire axes, summon helpers, and fire nukes. Worry as the other weapons have less predictable effects on the game!

Endorsements 30

Downloads 688

File size 34.0KB

AllThingsTrivial's avatar

Fallout New Vegas


by AllThingsTrivial

Category: Gameplay Effects and Changes

Ever wanted to be lord of all you survey, and have the factions of the Mojave bend to your whim? Then this cheeky little mod is for you. Pray to the Gods of the Mojave and let them forgive your sins or embrace a thirst for war - seek penance and stop any major faction attacking you, or embrace conflict and set any faction to attack you on sight

Endorsements 24

Downloads 442

File size 5.0KB

The Four Horsemen
AllThingsTrivial's avatar

Fallout New Vegas

The Four Horsemen

by AllThingsTrivial

Category: Quests and Adventures

If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them...maybe you'll realise the Four Horsemen aren't who you need. Follow these four lovable, by that I mean you'll like at least one of them (probably), mercenaries in their difficult mission to actually find each other and get on with their job. They need your help to be honest.

Endorsements 52

Downloads 1.1k

File size 271.0KB

Companion Aetius
AllThingsTrivial's avatar

Fallout New Vegas

Companion Aetius

by AllThingsTrivial

Category: Companions

An Ex-Legion follower who, at the conclusion of his quests can be asked to fight for any faction, although he'll always follow you first and foremost.

Endorsements 26

Downloads 670

File size 215.0KB

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