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enlarged and improved blood pools textures for EBT,to be more similar to the ones in TLOU2
Endorsements 77
Downloads 2.1k
File size 39.4MB
M9 Combat Knife with dismemberment enabled.
Endorsements 5
Downloads 879
File size 6.2MB
a Machete with Dismemberment enabled
Endorsements 12
Downloads 1.3k
File size 12.1MB
Remade wounds,blood pools and directional splatters and also upscaled the rest of the textures.
Endorsements 16
Downloads 2.1k
File size 83.6MB
Upscaled Milky way,stars and moon texture to 8K plus 2x more stars and much more visible
Endorsements 97
Downloads 3.6k
File size 51.1MB
Replaces the ingame cgi galaxy with the real Milky Way picture from NASA at 4k resolution.
Endorsements 481
Downloads 13.1k
File size 17.6MB
True 4k blood textures photoscaned from sprayed fake blood to look high velocity,4k wound texture,realistic impact fx no more goofy huge blotches on impact.will be improved when we get tools
Endorsements 633
Downloads 29.7k
File size 47.7MB