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Expanding on the idea of equipping chems from virtual body slots and using them in a more 'VR Centric' way; Virtual Chems will provide Fallout 4 VR / FRIK players with 5 body slots which can be used to assign and then equip chems from in real time. Once in hand, chems can be virtually inhaled, ingested or injected!
Endorsements 342
Downloads 71.8k
File size 574.0KB
Adds 7 virtual weapon holsters and new weapon sheathing / equipping system which aims for a more realistic approach forcing the player to return a weapon to the holster it was drawn from before being able to equip another weapon.
Endorsements 496
Downloads 72.5k
File size 53.0KB
Idle Hands will provide Fallout 4: VR players with visible hands (and Pipboy) in varity of styles and skin tones, customisable via the mods FOMOD installer. Players will have visible hands with /without weapons being drawn, which change to Power Armor hands when a frame is entered (Pairing nicely with 'Kabuto:VRs' visible Power Armor helmets).
Endorsements 662
Downloads 75.6k
File size 49.6MB
This mod is aimed at 'Room Scale' players who enjoy using a real chair while their character uses furniture pieces in game. It adds a 'L.A Noire: VR Case Files' inspired approach to using furniture pieces in Fallout 4 VR.
Endorsements 212
Downloads 45.4k
File size 20.0KB
Kabuto:VR is an immersive Power Armor helmet replacement mod for 'Fallout 4 VR' which replaces the lackluster semi-transparent Power Armor HUD with a selection of fully enclosed helmets based on the games original helmet meshes - with a little "artistic license". Now includes optional P.A.F.A.S (Power Armor Frame Activation System) Module.
Endorsements 575
Downloads 70.7k
File size 100.7MB