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A new collection of hairs for MacKom heads or Races Redone.
Endorsements 656
Downloads 18.7k
File size 77.9MB
Are you tired of all these mods modifying Fargoth's head at the same time as all these NPCs? Me too. Let us keep the true head of our lord!
Endorsements 64
Downloads 4.7k
File size 40.0KB
This mod adds a nice potion: an ethereal body potion. Its effect is identical to the Become Ethereal shout, i. e. you transform yourself into an invulnerable ghost for a while. However, the effect of this potion lasts only a few seconds!
Endorsements 6
Downloads 86
File size 2.0KB
Now, all creature and NPC will die almost instantly with headshot! Of course, the bigger the creatures are, the more they will cash in but it's normal, the bigger they are, the easier they are to aim at.(my mod has been translate from french to english)
Endorsements 188
Downloads 4.2k
File size 8.0KB