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Spell-Light Radius

A quick, simple, no nonsense mod that does exactly what it say in the title.

Endorsements 70

Downloads 866

File size 1.0KB

Night Eye Overhaul

Have ever wondered why Khajiit and Vampires can only see in the dark for 30 seconds at a time? Or what happened to the Night-Eye spell? Me too! This mod removes the vanilla blur, tint, sound and 30 second limit from Night-Eye powers. Adds Night-Eye as an apprentice level spell, includes Night-Eye scrolls, potions and learnable ench

Endorsements 1.7k

Downloads 136.8k

File size 3.6MB

Spell-Light Radius

Increased radii for Candlelight & Magelight spells.

Endorsements 326

Downloads 3.3k

File size 0B

Night Eye Overhaul

Have ever wondered why Khajiit and Vampires can only see in the dark for 30 seconds at a time? Or what happened to the Night-Eye spell? Me too! This mod removes the vanilla blur, tint, sound and 30 second limit from Night-Eye powers. Adds Night-Eye as an apprentice level spell, includes Night-Eye scrolls, potions and learnable ench

Endorsements 3.7k

Downloads 56k

File size 3.6MB