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TUWRM - The Ultimate Weight Rebalancing Mod
Drag0ntamer's avatar

Fallout New Vegas

TUWRM - The Ultimate Weight Rebalancing Mod

by Drag0ntamer

Category: Gameplay Effects and Changes

A simple weight rebalancing mod. Fixes things like fission batteries weighing 5lbs or certain empty bottles weighing 2lbs. All misc. items in the game have been rebalanced.

Endorsements 89

Downloads 1.4k

File size 8.0KB

TUPAM-NV---The Ultimate Power Armor Mod - New Vegas
Drag0ntamer's avatar

Fallout New Vegas

TUPAM-NV---The Ultimate Power Armor Mod - New Vegas

by Drag0ntamer

Category: Gameplay Effects and Changes

This is a complete power armor overhaul. What this mod strives to do is balance all power armors in the game while making them extremely worthwhile. The vanilla power armors were weak and a great disappointment so I upgraded all power armor in the game. Note, this will also increase all NPC's armor, so they will be harder to kill.Includ

Endorsements 211

Downloads 4.4k

File size 16.0KB

TUPAM - The Ultimate Power Armor Mod Spanish
Drag0ntamer's avatar

Fallout 3

TUPAM - The Ultimate Power Armor Mod Spanish

by Drag0ntamer

Category: Gameplay Effects and Changes

Este mod pone a punto por completo las servoarmaduras del juego. Lo que se pretende con esto es hacer que todas las servoarmaduras se encuentren a un nivel lógico y superior con respecto al resto de armaduras. Las servoarmaduras originales resultaban ser algo débiles y por tanto decepcionantes, así que se han actualizado por completo. Este mod t

Endorsements 16

Downloads 442

File size 54.0KB

Hi-Res Recon Armor
Drag0ntamer's avatar

Fallout 3

Hi-Res Recon Armor

by Drag0ntamer

Category: Models and Textures

A hi-res version of all recon armors. All recon armors have a different texture now and any parts that were metal and bent/stretched when you moved have now been changed into a rubber like texture.

Endorsements 181

Downloads 3.7k

File size 2.3MB

Elder Lyon Robe Retexture
Drag0ntamer's avatar

Fallout 3

Elder Lyon Robe Retexture

by Drag0ntamer

Category: Models and Textures

This is a simple re-texture for Elder Lyon's Robes from blue to brown as requested on the officical Fallout 3 mod forums

Endorsements 26

Downloads 680

File size 637.0KB

Fawkes Retexture
Drag0ntamer's avatar

Fallout 3

Fawkes Retexture

by Drag0ntamer

Category: Models and Textures

This is a simple re-texture for Fawkes. It aims to make him more distinguishable between his non friendly relatives.

Endorsements 6

Downloads 279

File size 2.3MB

UWWUT - Unique Weapons With Unique Textures
Drag0ntamer's avatar

Fallout 3

UWWUT - Unique Weapons With Unique Textures

by Drag0ntamer

Category: Models and Textures

Tired of unique weapons looking EXACTLY the same as their normal counterparts? Well, this mod aims to solve this by changing all the vanilla unique weapons to have their own unique textures. They all now have textures with greater detail/resolution.

Endorsements 1.5k

Downloads 87.1k

File size 18.0KB

Hi-Res Alien Blaster
Drag0ntamer's avatar

Fallout 3

Hi-Res Alien Blaster

by Drag0ntamer

Category: Models and Textures

This is a texture replacer for the vanilla Alien Blaster. It makes both the texture and the normal map higher res. I made the metal have greater detail to make it more aesthetically pleasing.

Endorsements 199

Downloads 4.4k

File size 4.0MB

TUPAM - The Ultimate Power Armor Mod
Drag0ntamer's avatar

Fallout 3

TUPAM - The Ultimate Power Armor Mod

by Drag0ntamer

Category: Gameplay Effects and Changes

This is a complete power armor overhaul. What this mod strives to do is balance all power armors in the game while making them extremely worthwhile. The vanilla power armors were weak and a great disappointment so I upgraded all power armor in the game. Note, this will also increase all NPC's armor, so they will be harder to kill.

Endorsements 586

Downloads 12.7k

File size 54.0KB

FOOK - Paladin Glade Fix
Drag0ntamer's avatar

Fallout 3

FOOK - Paladin Glade Fix

by Drag0ntamer

Category: Models and Textures

Fixes Paladin Glade's helmet for FOOK users. Also changes ALL Titan helmets to use the standard Power Armor helmets. Note, they will use the appropriate textures, so Outcast will use outcast textures and BoS will use the BoS texture. I just felt the helm FOOK added looked out of place and didn't like the fact it didn't match any of the

Endorsements 20

Downloads 726

File size 3.1MB

Hi-Res Gauss Rifle v1_6
Drag0ntamer's avatar

Fallout 3

Hi-Res Gauss Rifle v1_6

by Drag0ntamer

Category: Models and Textures

This is a texture replacer for the vanilla Gauss Rifle. It makes both the texture and the normal map higher res. I made the metal have greater detail and replaced the wood on the rifle to make it more aesthetically pleasing. Both the 1st person and 3rd person textures have been doubled from the standard vanilla settings. aesthetically pleasing.

Endorsements 191

Downloads 4.4k

File size 3.7MB

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