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Seamless smoking. No additional menus or unneeded extra items. Simply click a cigarette in your inventory (like any other chem) to light it up and enjoy watching your character puff away!
Endorsements 1.4k
Downloads 32.7k
File size 8.4MB
The successor of the rugged Pip-Boy 2000 (as seen in Fallout 1 & 2) and the predecessor to the more recent arm-mounted Pip-Boy 3000. This is the Pip-Boy 2500.
Endorsements 3.9k
Downloads 111.1k
File size 2.8MB
A simple, tough, realistic, yet elegant female Asian character fit to fight the Good Fight in your game of Fallout 3.
Endorsements 642
Downloads 21.7k
File size 661.0KB