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If you missed all the messages Oblivion gave you for increasing your skill ranks, then this mod is for you. Whenever you reach the required level for a new rank (Apprentice, Adept, Expert, and Master) a unique message is displayed and the related perk is earned.
Endorsements 217
Downloads 3.8k
File size 30.0KB
Allows you to disenchant any god amulet, and also fixes the Blessing of Talos enchantment.
Endorsements 354
Downloads 8.8k
File size 2.0KB
The legendary artifact from the Shivering Isles has resurfaced in Skyrim!
Endorsements 284
Downloads 5.6k
File size 4.9MB
If you missed all the messages Oblivion gave you for increasing your skill ranks, then this mod is for you. Whenever you reach the required level for a new rank (Apprentice, Adept, Expert, and Master) a unique message is displayed and the related perk is earned.
Endorsements 450
Downloads 6.3k
File size 29.0KB
Allows you to disenchant any god amulet, and also fixes the Blessing of Talos enchantment.
Endorsements 714
Downloads 11.3k
File size 2.0KB