
Verified mod author

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Tall Billboard Mesh Fix

A very simple mod that fixes the double truss in the rear of the tall billboards (mostly seen in the Fancy Lad Snacks billboards).

Endorsements 136

Downloads 4.4k

File size 36.0KB

FNV LOD Supplementation

Adds some extra meshes for LOD generation for structures which previously didn't have them and improves some vanilla ones. Less Horrendous Nellis tower, Urban overpass walkways, rock crushing plants, cranes, barns, 3D retaining walls and some ruined buildings. WIP.

Endorsements 2.2k

Downloads 233.4k

File size 893.0KB

Less Flickery City of New Vegas

If you play NV at higher than normal settings, you'll notice intense flickering in the city of New Vegas (e.g. when looking from Goodsprings cemetery) due to extra white proxy meshes clipping into the object LOD meshes. This simple mod fixes that (does not fix the engine Z-fighting) by removing the offending white imposter meshes.

Endorsements 882

Downloads 76.6k

File size 1.0KB

FNV Missing Hardwood Tree LOD Billboard fix

FNV is missing a tree LOD billboard file which was present in Fallout 3 (it's a generic large dead tree). I created a replacement LOD billboard for it for my personal use but decided to upload it here because somebody might want it. Enjoy!

Endorsements 152

Downloads 3.7k

File size 35.0KB

Less Empty Nellis

From the author of Less Empty Primm and some casino overhauls, a very humble mod which tries to add some custom assets to Nellis in hopes of giving it more personality and character. New robots, photos, signs, posters and structures. WIP.

Endorsements 752

Downloads 103.5k

File size 38.9MB

Lucky 38 E3 Lights Restored

Restores the Lucky 38's lights (mostly window lights, extra light strips and diamond lights) that were shown during E3 and were part of a cut quest but later cut due to consoles and other limitations. No esp, only meshes. See the Lucky 38 in all it's glory as Obsidian had envisioned.

Endorsements 1.3k

Downloads 67.4k

File size 896.0KB

The Mogul Mausoleum - A Lucky 38 Overhaul

An overhaul aimed at fixing the glaring flaws and unfinished aspects of the Lucky 38. Restored E3 lights, Photos of Mr. House, New unique clutter and an overhauled penthouse.

Endorsements 1.6k

Downloads 182k

File size 57.6MB

FNV LOD Texture Patches

Fixing the Mojave LOD, one eyesore at a time. LOD texture patches for NMCs, Poco/Ojo Beuno and George's landscape for proper LODs.

Endorsements 3.8k

Downloads 349.6k

File size 40.0KB

The Town of Vice - A Gomorrah Overhaul

A lore friendly overhaul for Gomorrah and the Omertas adding new, unique and lore friendly posters, rugs, curtains, outfits and weapons for the Omertas.

Endorsements 1.5k

Downloads 178.8k

File size 23.1MB

Less Horrendous Vikki and Vance Casino LOD Mesh

Replaces the terrible LOD model and textures of the boarded casino nif with a slightly better one based of the original mesh.

Endorsements 2k

Downloads 81.4k

File size 183.0KB

Witcher Style Dual Rifle Back Holsters

Adds a dual rifle holster set (similar to Geralt's back scabbards from the Witcher games), one for your currently equipped rifle and the other which has a static rifle so it makes it look like you always have a rifle on your back even when you pull out a sidearm.

Endorsements 433

Downloads 12.6k

File size 1.0MB

Lux Aeterna - The True Revival of Luxury - An Ultra-Luxe Overhaul

A lore friendly overhaul for the Ultra-Luxe, transforming it into what it should have been from the start, a unique casino with a classic luxury aesthetic and design. A lot of new assets, NPC, lighting and textures changes to transform the Ultra-Luxe into the true revival of luxury.

Endorsements 2.3k

Downloads 200.5k

File size 238.9MB

Less Empty Primm - A Primm Town Overhaul

An overhaul for the town of Primm which focuses on environmental storytelling to make the town feel like a proper, believable and realistic pre-war and post war settlement. New NPCs, buildings, clutter, notes, terminal entries, enemies, unique weapons and a more fleshed out settlement as a whole.

Endorsements 2.1k

Downloads 83.1k

File size 37.2MB

FNV Armor and Gloves Addon

Adds misc pieces of armor you can wear with other armors for added protection like pauldrons and belts etc. Restores the cut Armored vault 21 jumpsuit making it craftable and available to the player in a believable and logical way. Adds new gloves to the game through leveled lists and crafting that provide protection and skill bonuses.

Endorsements 305

Downloads 6.7k

File size 2.5MB