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Because a lot of people don't understand how screen and texture resolution work (2K, 4K, UHD etc) i decided to write a short post to help you understanding which resolution is necessary and when.
Endorsements 42
Downloads 233
File size 4.1MB
Endorsements 456
Downloads 8.4k
File size 42.8MB
Total retexture for the MiniGun and all it's mods.
Endorsements 875
Downloads 18.3k
File size 92.8MB
Handmade textures in 4K, 2K and 1K ver. All the textures are redone - even some meshes (.nif) and materials (.bgsm). This is a work in progress, so expect it to grow!
Endorsements 17.3k
Downloads 3m
File size 812.6MB