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More Ammo Loot in Ammo Leveled Lists
Frib's avatar


More Ammo Loot in Ammo Leveled Lists

by Frib

Category: Weapons

Increases the amount of ammo in the root ammo leveled lists. If you want more ammo but don't want an ammo crafting mod, this one is for you!

Endorsements 30

Downloads 481

File size 1.0KB

Ship Cargo Storage Increase - x3 or x10 Capacity
Frib's avatar


Ship Cargo Storage Increase - x3 or x10 Capacity

by Frib

Category: Ships

Increases capacity of cargo modules by x3 or by x10. Shielded modules have their unshielded capacity increased.

Endorsements 249

Downloads 4.6k

File size 3.0KB

Flat Perk Tree - Pick Any Perks
Frib's avatar


Flat Perk Tree - Pick Any Perks

by Frib

Category: Perks and Skills

Removes perk investment requirements so you can pick any perk without having to spend 4+ perks in a perk tree just to unlock a new row. ESM mod created with xEdit

Endorsements 77

Downloads 1.3k

File size 0B

Survival - Overly Streamlined
Frib's avatar

Skyrim Special Edition

Survival - Overly Streamlined

by Frib

Category: Gameplay

Adds a daily gold cost to simulate sustaining yourself. Not enough gold? Pay with your maximum health/magicka/stamina until you can clear your debt.

Endorsements 10

Downloads 50

File size 8.0KB

Shame of Skyrim
Frib's avatar

Skyrim Special Edition

Shame of Skyrim

by Frib

Category: Immersion

Distributes over 200 different notes randomly to bandits, necromancers, warlocks and more. Reading some of these notes will make you feel ashamed for killing the holder. Other notes may make you feel ashamed that those people existed in the first place. Or maybe you're just dead inside and this doesn't affect you at all. Shame!

Endorsements 368

Downloads 111.6k

File size 24.0KB