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This mod simply makes it so you can still walk and run around while on the phone to G.R.E.I always hates having to stand there listening to them go on. LET ME MOVE!
Endorsements 63
Downloads 1.8k
File size 31.0KB
This mod changes the XBOX controller buttons to PS4 Dualshock ones.
Endorsements 110
Downloads 3.2k
File size 1.0KB
This stops that effect that happens when you look at the bright sky and the world goes darker, and vice-versa.
Endorsements 50
Downloads 1k
File size 0B
Instead of certain enemy types being restricted to areas or maps, all enemies can now spawn in all areas. For example, a Demolisher in the slums at level 1 is now possible.
Endorsements 358
Downloads 14.9k
File size 5.0KB
Nature reclaims its rightful place, grasses and shrubs have grown.
Endorsements 385
Downloads 15.1k
File size 1.0KB
This mod is only two files which make changes to variables in text-files within the game.The changes are supposed to provide a more realistic, yet challenging experience in an attempt to make it more rewarding.You won't be the superman you were before.
Endorsements 30
Downloads 558
File size 29.0KB