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A warrior in life is a hero in death. This mod introduces the mighty Hobgoblin race to Baldur’s Gate 3! Now with a RAW 5e patch if so desired!
Endorsements 135
Downloads 37.5k
File size 325.0MB
Roar as a mighty Tiger-kin across the planes of Faerun! Embark on your journey as a hunter of the wilds; enjoy this new playable race today!
Endorsements 20
Downloads 1k
File size 134.4MB
Team TechnoBabble (EmeraldTechno and GentlemanBabbo) bring to you the homebrewed Wolfkind as a playable race! These long-lived, anthropomorphic wolves of old are a race that is sworn to defend their pack at all costs. Honor clan and kin on your journey throughout Faerun!
Endorsements 39
Downloads 8.4k
File size 35.8MB
Introducing to Baldur’s Gate 3, a homebrewed race known as the Stoneborn by GentlemanBabbo and EmeraldTechno! These sentient mountains are manifestations of spirits within the stone and rubble of the earth. Destined to return to the world as we all are, Stoneborn accept their place in the natural order, living in silent slumber until called upon.
Endorsements 35
Downloads 15.3k
File size 64.3MB
Life on the open waters has shaped you into who you are. Embrace your nautical origins and carry your love for the sea with you, always. Harness her rage, and be the instrument of her fury.
Endorsements 145
Downloads 27.9k
File size 20.0MB
Live out your dreams of being a totally ethical, in no way deranged medical professional of Faerun. Choose your subclass to determine your implement, and determine the fate of the world through the masterpiece that is your treatment plan. Engage in the combination systems of Cannibal, or the infectious devastation of Injector.
Endorsements 153
Downloads 37.1k
File size 8.5MB