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by Harvey2112

Category: Player homes

Adds a full range of automated storage to both Ft. Dawnguard and Volkihar Keep. The implementation is spotlessly clean and storage is tastefully integrated where logical and convenient. DLC content is pre-sorted and as a bonus, each base has a [color=yellow][B]Custom Paragon Display Stand[/b][/color]. By the author of GeneralStores.

Endorsements 420

Downloads 3.4k

File size 72.0KB

Craftable Cloud Storage
Harvey2112's avatar


Craftable Cloud Storage

by Harvey2112

Category: Immersion

If you want to eliminate the tedium of inventory management, keep easy access to [I]all[/i] your stuff, and get on with the business of Dragon slaying, then this mod is for you. Craftable, placeable, automated, heuristic, centralized storage. Why play without it?

Endorsements 2.4k

Downloads 31k

File size 5.3MB

Hearthfire Automated Storage
Harvey2112's avatar


Hearthfire Automated Storage

by Harvey2112

Category: Player homes

Adds automatic material storage to the Hearthfire work-sites. Save, sort, and retrieve your building supplies with one-click ease. This is not a cheat that adds materials, but the professional storage tool of a master craftsman. REQUIRES: [URL=http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18340/]General Stores v2.3[/url]

Endorsements 1.4k

Downloads 18.6k

File size 40.0KB

General Stores - storage resource for packrats
Harvey2112's avatar


General Stores - storage resource for packrats

by Harvey2112

Category: Modders Resources and Tutorials

General Stores provides a cloud storage layer for Skyrim with a wide variety of powerful access activators. Incredibly easy to use and makes inventory management a joy! Weapons, Soulgems, Books, Ore, virtually everything a packrat NEEDS can be stored and accessed from anyplace you call home.

Endorsements 10.9k

Downloads 191.6k

File size 41.8MB

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