
Verified mod author

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Daggerfall Overhauled
My Daggerfall Unity collection, based on my loadorder.

Endorsements 16

No. of mods 64

Success rating 73%

Lighting and Shadows
A collection of lighting mods to take things to the next level. Based around ELFX and ELFX Shadows.

Endorsements 7

No. of mods 10

Success rating 78%

Drivables of the Commonwealth
This collection adds drive-able vehicles and ride-able animals.

Endorsements 6

No. of mods 16

Success rating 70%

Dwemer Overhauled
This collection overhauls dwemer ruins and automatons.

Endorsements 5

No. of mods 20

Success rating --

Imperial Armor Overhaul
This collection overhauls the look of imperial armor and boosts the armor rating as well.

Endorsements 0

No. of mods 6

Success rating 74%

Collection: Uglify Skyrim SE/AE
Uglifys Skyrim to unexpected levels, also it could reduce performance strain I suppose.

Endorsements 3

No. of mods 11

Success rating 75%

More Unique Enderal
Just a few dozen to make the game more unique.

Endorsements 1

No. of mods 58

Success rating 72%

Endorsements 0

No. of mods 9

Success rating 66%

Skyrim 1.6 and onwards
This is my collection for Skyrim 1.6 and onwards based on my loadorder. It has immersion, light graphics improvements, and much more.

Endorsements 0

No. of mods 682

Success rating 60%