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is an SKSE plugin that applies the existing Havok physics engine (not generic animations) to other uses in Skyrim. Swishing hair, flowing skirts, or the ever popular bouncing boobs.
Endorsements 230.3k
Downloads 7.2m
File size 1.8MB
A simple plugin make your character seated at the right pos(no floating or sinking anymore)
no matter how height it is or what skeleton you use.
Endorsements 3.2k
Downloads 58.6k
File size 76.0KB
Order-independent transparency (OIT) is a class of techniques in rasterisational computer graphics for rendering transparency in a 3D scene, which do not require rendering geometry in sorted order for alpha compositing.(copy from wikipedia)
Endorsements 508
Downloads 7.9k
File size 130.0KB
This mod gives your high heel shoes real High Heels.
Endorsements 117.4k
Downloads 3.4m
File size 340.0KB