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Extended Bandit Dialogue
Jonx0r's avatar

Skyrim Special Edition

Extended Bandit Dialogue

by Jonx0r

Category: Immersion

Extended Bandit Dialogue gives bandits new idle, notice corpse, and combat taunt lines. It does so using speech synthesis (Tortoise TTS + Retrieval-based Voice Conversion) to add new lines of dialogue in a way that should (hopefully) be almost indistinguishable from the original voice acting.

Endorsements 833

Downloads 49.7k

File size 21.0MB

Extended Bandit Dialogue
Jonx0r's avatar


Extended Bandit Dialogue

by Jonx0r

Category: Immersion

Extended Bandit Dialogue gives bandits new idle, notice corpse, and combat taunt lines. It does so using speech synthesis (Tortoise TTS + Retrieval-based Voice Conversion) to add new lines of dialogue in a way that should (hopefully) be almost indistinguishable from the original voice acting.

Endorsements 54

Downloads 547

File size 39.7MB

City Bag Checks
Jonx0r's avatar

Skyrim Special Edition

City Bag Checks

by Jonx0r

Category: Immersion

City Bag Checks gives guards the job of randomly checking bags for illicit goods when approaching a major city.

Endorsements 269

Downloads 31.8k

File size 6.6MB

City Bag Checks
Jonx0r's avatar


City Bag Checks

by Jonx0r

Category: Immersion

City Bag Checks gives guards the job of randomly checking bags for illicit goods when approaching a major city.

Endorsements 15

Downloads 205

File size 6.6MB

Extended Guard Dialogue
Jonx0r's avatar


Extended Guard Dialogue

by Jonx0r

Category: Immersion

Extended Guard Dialogue gives town guards more to say. It does so using speech synthesis (Tortoise TTS + Retrieval-based Voice Conversion) to add new lines of dialogue in a way that should (hopefully) be almost indistinguishable from the original voice acting.

Endorsements 94

Downloads 1k

File size 21.0MB

Extended Guard Dialogue
Jonx0r's avatar

Skyrim Special Edition

Extended Guard Dialogue

by Jonx0r

Category: Immersion

Extended Guard Dialogue gives town guards more to say. It does so using speech synthesis (Tortoise TTS + Retrieval-based Voice Conversion) to add new lines of dialogue in a way that should (hopefully) be almost indistinguishable from the original voice acting.

Endorsements 1.6k

Downloads 155.8k

File size 21.0MB

DLC Timing
Jonx0r's avatar

Fallout 4

DLC Timing

by Jonx0r

Category: Gameplay

DLC Timing allows you to delay the official DLC until you're ready for them. This mod allows you to change the starting conditions for Automatron, Far Harbor, Nuka World and Vault-Tec Workshop independently to suit your playthrough.

Endorsements 2k

Downloads 340.2k

File size 54.0KB

Jonx0r's avatar

Skyrim (Switch)


by Jonx0r

Category: New Lands

The East Empire Company commissions the Dragonborn to slay a dragon that is interrupting trade routes throughout Skyrim. But is the dragon stirring up trouble with a particular reason and what sinister motive does it have for its actions?

Endorsements 30

Downloads 753

File size 364.2MB

Jonx0r's avatar



by Jonx0r

Category: New Lands

The East Empire Company commissions the Dragonborn to slay a dragon that is interrupting trade routes throughout Skyrim. But is the dragon stirring up trouble with a particular reason and what sinister motive does it have for its actions?

Endorsements 2.5k

Downloads 72.5k

File size 3.7MB

Jonx0r's avatar

Skyrim Special Edition


by Jonx0r

Category: Locations - New

The East Empire Company commissions the Dragonborn to slay a dragon that is interrupting trade routes throughout Skyrim. But is the dragon stirring up trouble with a particular reason and what sinister motive does it have for its actions?

Endorsements 17.6k

Downloads 2.3m

File size 3.7MB

Call Follower
Jonx0r's avatar

Skyrim Special Edition

Call Follower

by Jonx0r

Category: Followers & Companions

Call Follower is a simple mod that adds War Horns to general stores and loot containers around the world. Blowing the horn calls your current follower to you, even if they have been told to wait somewhere else. Includes an MCM that allows you to select whether your human or animal follower responds to the call, or both.

Endorsements 399

Downloads 10.7k

File size 316.0KB

Call Follower
Jonx0r's avatar


Call Follower

by Jonx0r

Category: Followers and Companions

Call Follower is a simple mod that adds War Horns to general stores and loot containers around the world. Blowing the horn calls your current follower to you, even if they have been told to wait somewhere else. Includes an MCM that allows you to select whether your human or animal follower responds to the call, or both.

Endorsements 89

Downloads 1.5k

File size 316.0KB

Extended Encounters
Jonx0r's avatar

Skyrim Special Edition

Extended Encounters

by Jonx0r

Category: Immersion

Extended Encounters is a simple mod that adds to the pool of random roadside, wilderness and location encounters in a way that makes the world seem a bit more dynamic and alive without negatively affecting game performance or bloating your save file.

Endorsements 7.1k

Downloads 1.2m

File size 761.0KB

Extended Encounters
Jonx0r's avatar


Extended Encounters

by Jonx0r

Category: Immersion

Extended Encounters is a simple mod that adds to the pool of random roadside, wilderness and location encounters in a way that makes the world seem a bit more dynamic and alive without negatively affecting game performance or bloating your save file.

Endorsements 988

Downloads 18.4k

File size 750.0KB

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