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This mod creates a buyer merchant named Sylvia. She has gold burning a hole in her coinpurse and she\'s willing to buy almost anything. The only items she sells are those sold to her by the player, which she\'ll hold on to for a little while. She doesn\'t buy items anywhere specific, instead, her contract allows her to be magically summoned by whoe
Endorsements 29
Downloads 523
File size 7.0KB
Endorsements 12
Downloads 363
File size 4.0KB
UPDATED to v0.3! This adds 2 armored robes to collect in the game, a black one and a Outcast one (using the retextures I did for Grimoa\'s Armored Robes). This mod makes the robes unique items (with their own stats) and places them in the game world to find.
Endorsements 262
Downloads 7.4k
File size 1.3MB
These are 2 new skins for Grimoas armored Robe. One is black, and one is for an Outcast scribe theme.
Endorsements 86
Downloads 2.7k
File size 1.3MB