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*Fixed* Sure it\'s not a nuka-cola cap, but When you get a message about caps being added, it says \"bottle cap\" not \"nuka-cola bottlecap\", so I felt it would be okay. It\'s your responsibility to scratch (counterfeit) them for use out on the streets. ;)
Please redownload if you were one of the first downloaders as I have replaced the file with
Endorsements 75
Downloads 1.5k
File size 2.0KB
Looks like I forgot to add the
If it\'s not looking quite right, please redownload.
This is a subtle, atmospheric effect of the sun\'s glare.
Perfect for taking atmospheric, landscape screenshots.
Endorsements 2.5k
Downloads 89.7k
File size 184.0KB
Please redownload this if you aren\'t seeing the camo. I fixed my directoy mistake. Sorry, to the first few downloaders!
Be sure read the install instructions if you are having trouble using this.
Endorsements 77
Downloads 1.7k
File size 281.0KB