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Mojave Outpost Reborn
LucasGotFire's avatar

Fallout New Vegas

Mojave Outpost Reborn

by LucasGotFire

Category: Buildings

The NCR ranger outpost and caravan rest stop located at the Long 15 has been Reborn; with all new reinforced protection against all attacks from the east! The base is now newly equipped with all new reenforced walls with watch towers, new farm along with stores and High tech radar equipment to surveillance activity coming in and out of the Mojave!

Endorsements 15

Downloads 620

File size 19.0KB

Old Man Mason...
LucasGotFire's avatar

Fallout New Vegas

Old Man Mason...

by LucasGotFire

Category: NPC

Old Man Mason...

Endorsements 1

Downloads 18

File size 4.0KB

Mojave Outpost Reenforced Walls
LucasGotFire's avatar

Fallout New Vegas

Mojave Outpost Reenforced Walls

by LucasGotFire

Category: Buildings

Added some walls and guard towers to the Mojave outpost front and back.

Endorsements 12

Downloads 344

File size 2.0KB

The Lost Vault
LucasGotFire's avatar

Fallout New Vegas

The Lost Vault

by LucasGotFire

Category: Buildings

THE LOST VAULT.A mysterious Vault located to the east of Vegas and southeast of jacobstown with environmental story telling.

Endorsements 10

Downloads 367

File size 312.0KB

Gun Runners on Strip
LucasGotFire's avatar

Fallout New Vegas

Gun Runners on Strip

by LucasGotFire

Category: Buildings

Yay 3rd mod! This is a mod (duh) that adds a Gun Runner HQ on the Strip in-between Michael Angelo's Shop sign and Vault 21. It involves the vendertron protectron and its little shack which is next to a military truck with crates on it. :)

Endorsements 4

Downloads 395

File size 3.0KB

LucasGotFire's avatar

Fallout New Vegas


by LucasGotFire

Category: Buildings

New Installed Gun range in Ralph's hidden armory with multiple targets. After convincing Ralph that you ain't working for a casino you are free to use the range. or just use console commands...

Endorsements 1

Downloads 90

File size 2.0KB

GoodSprings ShootingRange
LucasGotFire's avatar

Fallout New Vegas

GoodSprings ShootingRange

by LucasGotFire

Category: Buildings

1st ever mod. Yay

Endorsements 5

Downloads 161

File size 3.0KB