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Golden Mortal - A Legendary Katana
M4RK3X's avatar

Skyrim Special Edition

Golden Mortal - A Legendary Katana

by M4RK3X

Category: Weapons

Golden Mortal is a legendary katana that was meticulously forged by the skilled artisan Komatsu Masayuki. Upon imbuing it with the essence of his chi, it was bestowed with unrivaled power and prowess.

Endorsements 47

Downloads 1.5k

File size 24.0MB

Chef Mojdul - The Lakeview Manor Chef
M4RK3X's avatar

Skyrim Special Edition

Chef Mojdul - The Lakeview Manor Chef

by M4RK3X

Category: NPC

A chef that will cook, sell you items, buy items from you, and keep you company at Lakeview Manor.

Endorsements 43

Downloads 713

File size 5.0KB

Chesterglade - A Chester Bennington Tribute Sword
M4RK3X's avatar

Skyrim Special Edition

Chesterglade - A Chester Bennington Tribute Sword

by M4RK3X

Category: Weapons

Chesterglade is a testament of homage I devised in honor of the venerable Chester Bennington. If you don't know who he was, he was the lead singer of the rock band Linkin Park, and in my opinion, the best rock vocalist of all time.

Endorsements 8

Downloads 126

File size 2.1MB

Chef Charles - The Dragonsreach Chef
M4RK3X's avatar

Skyrim Special Edition

Chef Charles - The Dragonsreach Chef

by M4RK3X

Category: NPC

This mod literally just adds a chef to Dragonsreach because there isn't one for some reason, and I've never seen any mods that do.

Endorsements 65

Downloads 1.4k

File size 1.0KB

Primitive Main Theme
M4RK3X's avatar


Primitive Main Theme

by M4RK3X

Category: Audio - SFX, Music, and Voice

Have you ever wished to hear the Skyrim main theme song in its original form? As if it were grunted by cavemen? If that's the case, this mod is for you!

Endorsements 9

Downloads 178

File size 763.0KB

5 of 5