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River Memorial Statue - In Memoriam of Dogmeats actress
Mangaclub's avatar

Fallout 4

River Memorial Statue - In Memoriam of Dogmeats actress

by Mangaclub

Category: Crafting - Other

This mod adds a statue of River, the actress dog who recently passed away as craftable item to any Wokbench.

Endorsements 555

Downloads 5.6k

File size 12.7MB

Cyberrunner - a Bladerunner like Reshade
Mangaclub's avatar

Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberrunner - a Bladerunner like Reshade

by Mangaclub

Category: Visuals and Graphics

This Reshade brings back the darker colder Bladerunner vibe to Cyberpunk 2077

Endorsements 829

Downloads 33.9k

File size 3.0KB

Vividian ENB SE - a enb for Vivid Weathers - Dolomite - Cathedreal - Obsidian and Mythsitcal Ages
Mangaclub's avatar

Skyrim Special Edition

Vividian ENB SE - a enb for Vivid Weathers - Dolomite - Cathedreal - Obsidian and Mythsitcal Ages

by Mangaclub

Category: Presets - ENB and ReShade

Vividian ENB aims to be a complete weather aware ENB supporting over 600 Weathers from different Mods like Vivid Weathers, Dolomite Weathers , Cathedreal Weathers, Obsidian Weathers and Mythsitcal Ages . It generally enhances the Sun and lighting effects as well as the overhaul image Quality.

Endorsements 1.6k

Downloads 39.6k

File size 6.7MB

Radiant Clouds and Skys - A Cloud and Sky overaul for Fallout 76
Mangaclub's avatar

Fallout 76

Radiant Clouds and Skys - A Cloud and Sky overaul for Fallout 76

by Mangaclub

Category: Environment

This mod replaces the Clouds and nightsky Textures of Fallout 76.

Endorsements 423

Downloads 13.7k

File size 43.2MB

Vivid Weathers Definitive Edition - a complete Weather and Visual overhaul for Skyrim
Mangaclub's avatar

Skyrim Special Edition

Vivid Weathers Definitive Edition - a complete Weather and Visual overhaul for Skyrim

by Mangaclub

Category: Visuals and Graphics

Vivid Weathers is the ultimate weather mod for Skyrim. It combines features features from COT, ESS, SS, Vivid Snow, Vivid Clouds and Fogs, Real Skyrim Snowflakes and much much more into an in-depth overhaul. It revamp the colors and weathers of the game to achieve a stunning effects even without an ENB.

Endorsements 92.9k

Downloads 4m

File size 108.1MB

Vivarian - a natural fantasy Reshade for Witcher 3
Mangaclub's avatar

The Witcher 3

Vivarian - a natural fantasy Reshade for Witcher 3

by Mangaclub

Category: ReShade Preset

This reshade adds a Natural Fantasy look to Wither 3. It adds several filters to make the image smooth and fantasy like while maintaining a Naural look without too much oversaturation.

Endorsements 163

Downloads 3.6k

File size 3.0KB

Vivid Ender ENB - a preset for Enderal
Mangaclub's avatar


Vivid Ender ENB - a preset for Enderal

by Mangaclub

Category: Enderal: Miscellaneous

This ENB preset is especially made for Enderal and the enderal Weathers.

Endorsements 1k

Downloads 22.9k

File size 9.7MB

Vivid Waters - a Water overhaul for Fallout 4
Mangaclub's avatar

Fallout 4

Vivid Waters - a Water overhaul for Fallout 4

by Mangaclub

Category: Environment

This mod aims to overhaul the Water textures, reflections, opacity, specularity and general look of the water in Fallout 4 to be more realistic and water like.

Endorsements 9.7k

Downloads 346.1k

File size 317.0KB

Vivid Weathers - Fallout 4 Edition - a Weather Mod and Climate Overhaul
Mangaclub's avatar

Fallout 4

Vivid Weathers - Fallout 4 Edition - a Weather Mod and Climate Overhaul

by Mangaclub

Category: Weather and Lighting

This is a complete LORE FRIENDLY Weather and Climate Overhaul for Fallout 4! It will add more than 75 new Weathers with over 110 new cloudtextures to the Fallout 4 World for you to experience. It also improves the general Image quality by adding new LUT and Imagespaces to the game as well as a Player home and base to complete the Lore!

Endorsements 49k

Downloads 2.5m

File size 87.3MB

Vivid Weathers - a complete Weather and Visual overhaul for Skyrim
Mangaclub's avatar


Vivid Weathers - a complete Weather and Visual overhaul for Skyrim

by Mangaclub

Category: Environmental

Vivid Weathers is the ultimate weathermod for skyrim. It combines features of COT, ESS,SS, Vivid Snow, Vivid Clouds and Fogs, Real Skyrim Snowflakes and much much more into one mod. It overhauls the colors and weathers with the aim to have stunning effects even without a ENB.

Endorsements 31.6k

Downloads 1.2m

File size 464.6MB

Radiant Clouds and Fogs
Mangaclub's avatar

Fallout 4

Radiant Clouds and Fogs

by Mangaclub

Category: Environment

Radiant Clouds and Fogs replaces almost all Fallout 4 Clouds as well as the distant fogs in the mountains. It is available in Highres and Medres versions.

Endorsements 20.3k

Downloads 816.2k

File size 80.5MB

Shadow of Boston
Mangaclub's avatar

Fallout 4

Shadow of Boston

by Mangaclub

Category: ReShade Presets

This reshade preset aims to make things a bit more realistic looking. It is inspired by Shadow of Chernobyll. By that i mean not so candycane colorfull, darker shadows, sharper picure and taking the fact into account that the Atmosphere changed as well as the suncolor.

Endorsements 283

Downloads 5.3k

File size 12.0KB

The love of Eli - a dystopic Reshade
Mangaclub's avatar

Fallout 4

The love of Eli - a dystopic Reshade

by Mangaclub

Category: ReShade Presets

This reshade preset Aims to reproduce the mood of the moovie "The book of Eli". After a nuclear War the Atmosphere of the world changes dramaticaly and so does the Sunlight.

Endorsements 148

Downloads 1.9k

File size 12.0KB

Real Skyrim Snowflakes - (Physical) Vivid Snow
Mangaclub's avatar


Real Skyrim Snowflakes - (Physical) Vivid Snow

by Mangaclub

Category: Environmental

This mod removes the Fake snowflake effect of Skyrim and adds REAL Snowflakes that are inside the Worldspace so they get Lit by Lights and effects and even with PHYSICAL Collisions - Especially noticeable with ENB's. Compatible with Vanilla, NLA, COT, PW, Purity, RCRN, ESS,SS

Endorsements 4.9k

Downloads 189.8k

File size 276.0KB

The hope of ELI - A dystopic ENB
Mangaclub's avatar

Fallout New Vegas

The hope of ELI - A dystopic ENB

by Mangaclub

Category: ENB presets

This ENB aims to bring a dystopic feeling and HDR effects into New Vegas. It is inspired by the movie -Book of Eli- and the awesome sepia/grey toning of it making the wasteland really look desperate. It uses highend state of the art effects and shaders. It is compatible with Nevada Skies, Project Reality, FNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting Ul

Endorsements 137

Downloads 2.4k

File size 1.1MB

Vivid Clouds and Fogs - Vanilla and Climates of Tamriel
Mangaclub's avatar


Vivid Clouds and Fogs - Vanilla and Climates of Tamriel

by Mangaclub

Category: Environmental

This Mod aims to replace most of the Vanilla And Climates of Tamriel Clouds, Fog (Mountain fogs), Steams and smoke textures with high resolution- ENB ready textures, while trying to maintain the look & feel of Vanilla skyrim. It also adds new Fog effects and Speeds up the cloud movment!

Endorsements 10.8k

Downloads 342.6k

File size 200.4MB

Viradia ENB - Colors and Lighting enhancement
Mangaclub's avatar

Fallout New Vegas

Viradia ENB - Colors and Lighting enhancement

by Mangaclub

Category: ENB presets

This ENB aims to bring more color and HDR effects into New Vegas. It uses highend state of the art effects and shaders. It is compatible with Nevada Skies, Project Reality, FNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting Ultimate Edition and Interior Lighting overaul.

Endorsements 728

Downloads 14k

File size 1.1MB

Vividian ENB - Weather and Lighting - Vivid Weathers - CoT5 - RCRN - Pure Weather - Purity - NLA
Mangaclub's avatar


Vividian ENB - Weather and Lighting - Vivid Weathers - CoT5 - RCRN - Pure Weather - Purity - NLA

by Mangaclub

Category: ENB Preset

This Weather & Lighting overaul is made of three party: Vividian ENB (wich is compatible with Vivid Weathers, CoT 5.0, Pure weather, Purity, RCRN, ELFX, ELE, NLA and more) to enhance your visual experience. (Vivid & Vanilla editions). The second part is the Extended Weathers mod wich adds faster cloud movements, Groundfogs and Vivid clouds

Endorsements 11.8k

Downloads 431.1k

File size 42.9MB

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