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Updated for beyond.No asteroid pop-in on your face.
Endorsements 52
Downloads 1.1k
File size 1.0KB
This fix the Moss and cracks pop in on walls and some other decal problems in the game And the npc animation is much better from distance.
Endorsements 369
Downloads 5.6k
File size 1.0KB
This will do a small stagger to the npc when you hit them
will not affect real time combat, just for visual
No more stiff npc
Endorsements 700
Downloads 15.5k
File size 0B
This will do a small stagger to the npc when you hit them
will not affect real time combat, just for visual
No more stiff npc
Endorsements 1.4k
Downloads 49.7k
File size 0B
This fix the Moss and cracks pop in on walls and some other decal problems in the game
And the npc animation is much better from distance
npc spawns from a greater distance
Endorsements 598
Downloads 9k
File size 1.0KB