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Vault 87 and Little Lamplight - Lore-friendly Roleplaying Rewrite
MrSwordToast's avatar

Fallout 3

Vault 87 and Little Lamplight - Lore-friendly Roleplaying Rewrite

by MrSwordToast

Category: Overhauls

Have you ever played through Little Lamplight, disappointed by all of the breaks in immersion and role-playing opportunities? Did you want a mod which added all of this and more while staying immersive? This mod series aims to fix Fallout 3's story (At least somewhat) while staying true to the original core design and lore of the game.

Endorsements 16

Downloads 476

File size 652.0KB

Mothership Zeta Enhanced Edition
MrSwordToast's avatar

Fallout 3

Mothership Zeta Enhanced Edition

by MrSwordToast

Category: Overhauls

Have you ever played through Mothership Zeta, disappointed by the lack of role-playing options or replayability? Did you want a mod which added all of this and more while staying immersive? This mod series aims to fix Fallout 3's story (At least somewhat) while staying true to the original core design and lore of the game.

Endorsements 21

Downloads 728

File size 197.0KB

Metro and DC Exploration Overhaul
MrSwordToast's avatar

Fallout 3

Metro and DC Exploration Overhaul

by MrSwordToast

Category: Environment

Fixes the Metro Tunnels and Downtown DC, making it immensely better than the base game.

Endorsements 27

Downloads 899

File size 565.0KB

Megaton - Lore-friendly Roleplaying Rewrite
MrSwordToast's avatar

Fallout 3

Megaton - Lore-friendly Roleplaying Rewrite

by MrSwordToast

Category: Quests and Adventures

Have you ever played through Megaton, disappointed by all of the breaks in immersion and roleplaying opportunities? Did you want a mod which added all of this and more while staying immersive? This mod series aims to fix Fallout 3's story (At least somewhat) while staying true to the original core design and lore of the game.

Endorsements 20

Downloads 595

File size 11.6MB

Ammo Crafting Overhaul
MrSwordToast's avatar

Fallout New Vegas

Ammo Crafting Overhaul

by MrSwordToast

Category: Gameplay Effects and Changes

Changes the requirements for crafting ballistic ammo types, making it a universal crafting system that is easier to work with.

Endorsements 8

Downloads 247

File size 27.0KB

Kill All Great Khans made simpler
MrSwordToast's avatar

Fallout New Vegas

Kill All Great Khans made simpler

by MrSwordToast

Category: Bug Fixes

Fixes a quirk of the quest "For the Republic Part 2" and other quests where you need to kill 15 Great Khan members to "wipe out" the Great Khans. This makes it so you only need to kill Papa Khan and Regis to wipe the faction out.

Endorsements 9

Downloads 95

File size 3.0KB

Vault 112 and Tranquility Lane - Lore-friendly Roleplaying Rewrite
MrSwordToast's avatar

Fallout 3

Vault 112 and Tranquility Lane - Lore-friendly Roleplaying Rewrite

by MrSwordToast

Category: Quests and Adventures

Have you ever played through Tranquility Lane, disappointed by the lack of roleplaying options or relatability? Did you want a mod which added all of this and more while staying immersive? This mod series aims to fix Fallout 3's story (At least somewhat) while staying true to the original core design and lore of the game.

Endorsements 24

Downloads 669

File size 2.3MB

Vault 101 - Lore-friendly Roleplaying Rewrite
MrSwordToast's avatar

Fallout 3

Vault 101 - Lore-friendly Roleplaying Rewrite

by MrSwordToast

Category: Quests and Adventures

Have you ever played through Fallout 3, wishing there was something that fixed so many of the story's roleplaying flaws while staying immersive? This mod series aims to fix Fallout 3's story (At least somewhat) while staying true to the original core design and lore of the game.

Endorsements 19

Downloads 555

File size 470.9MB

TTW GRA Challenges Fix
MrSwordToast's avatar

Fallout New Vegas

TTW GRA Challenges Fix

by MrSwordToast

Category: Gameplay Effects and Changes

Fixes an issue in Tale of Two Wastelands where the requirements for some GRA challenges are highly inflated, I simply reduced them to their vanilla values.

Endorsements 18

Downloads 322

File size 1.0KB

TTW Remove Almost Perfect and No Weaknesses perks
MrSwordToast's avatar

Fallout New Vegas

TTW Remove Almost Perfect and No Weaknesses perks

by MrSwordToast

Category: Perks

This is my first mod ever. Yay

Endorsements 5

Downloads 71

File size 3.0KB

10 of 10