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Nens NWN2 Animation Project Part 3 - Staff Walking - Alpha
Nenilai's avatar

Neverwinter Nights 2

Nens NWN2 Animation Project Part 3 - Staff Walking - Alpha

by Nenilai

Category: Animations

A file being worked on by request, adds a walking animation to characters who use staff's so they can look like they use it as a walking stick or similar to the wizards of old.

Endorsements 64

Downloads 1.2k

File size 143.0KB

Nens NWN2 Animation Project Part 2 - Idle
Nenilai's avatar

Neverwinter Nights 2

Nens NWN2 Animation Project Part 2 - Idle

by Nenilai

Category: Animations

The general standing animation for the game, nothing fancy but stops the character from looking around aimlessly and tired. You will never feel drained while watching the character stand still ever again.

Endorsements 181

Downloads 4k

File size 35.0KB

Nens - 2 Player - Skyrim Coop Mod - ALPHA
Nenilai's avatar


Nens - 2 Player - Skyrim Coop Mod - ALPHA

by Nenilai

Category: Followers and Companions

This is a Skyrim Coop Mod 2014 This mod allows for a human player to sit beside you and play as a companion ingame, theres ALLOT missing from this mod, 2nd player customization, better combat system, and much more, but this is a light Alpha proof of concept.

Endorsements 655

Downloads 18.6k

File size 33.0KB

Nens NWN2 Animation Project Part 1 - Walking
Nenilai's avatar

Neverwinter Nights 2

Nens NWN2 Animation Project Part 1 - Walking

by Nenilai

Category: Miscellaneous

Working on new animations for the game, the first part is to work on walking animations. Not sure how much time I can spend on this project, please support it, give your ideas, and I'll do my best to comply.

Endorsements 157

Downloads 4.6k

File size 143.0KB

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