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Toggleable Candlelight
OneOnOne1162's avatar

Skyrim Special Edition

Toggleable Candlelight

by OneOnOne1162

Category: Magic - Spells & Enchantments

A simple mod which makes the existing Candelight spell toggleable so you don't have to recast it all the time. As a small penalty it will reduce your magicka by 10 points so long as it remains toggled on.

Endorsements 22

Downloads 395

File size 3.0KB

Adjustable Shout Timer
OneOnOne1162's avatar


Adjustable Shout Timer

by OneOnOne1162

Category: Gameplay

Does the very long shout timer sometimes make you feel less like a powerful dragonborn and more like you're waiting at a bus stop? You're in luck! This very simple mod allows you to use the MCM to grant yourself an ability that reduces all shout times, to adjust by how much in the MCM (from 5% to 100%) or get faster over time with the shout skill.

Endorsements 94

Downloads 2.7k

File size 83.0KB

Adjustable Shout Timer SE
OneOnOne1162's avatar

Skyrim Special Edition

Adjustable Shout Timer SE

by OneOnOne1162

Category: Gameplay

Does the very long shout timer sometimes make you feel less like a powerful dragonborn and more like you're waiting at a bus stop? You're in luck! This very simple mod allows you to use the MCM to grant yourself an ability that reduces all shout times, to adjust by how much in the MCM (from 5% to 100%) or get faster over time with the shout skill.

Endorsements 119

Downloads 2.6k

File size 84.0KB

True Thane SE
OneOnOne1162's avatar

Skyrim Special Edition

True Thane SE

by OneOnOne1162

Category: Immersion

When you first became thane, did you FEEL like a thane? Well, this mod makes sure that you do. Once you become the thane of a hold you gain the ability to collect taxes, have the hold's guards follow you, have the hold's guards arrest people, exchange your thane weapon for a better version and more!

Endorsements 1.8k

Downloads 72.9k

File size 301.7MB

True Thane
OneOnOne1162's avatar


True Thane

by OneOnOne1162

Category: Immersion

When you first became thane, did you FEEL like a thane? Well, this mod makes sure that you do. Once you become the thane of a hold you gain the ability to collect taxes, have the hold's guards follow you, have the hold's guards arrest people, exchange your thane weapon for a better version and more!

Endorsements 703

Downloads 18.9k

File size 304.7MB

Hakai Mod
OneOnOne1162's avatar


Hakai Mod

by OneOnOne1162

Category: Magic - Spells & Enchantments

Adds two spells which cost no magicka, one without an area effect and one with a large area effect, which mimic the hakai from Dragon Ball Super which the gods of destruction, like Beerus, have access to.

Endorsements 73

Downloads 2.1k

File size 422.0KB

Additional Vampire Abilities
OneOnOne1162's avatar


Additional Vampire Abilities

by OneOnOne1162

Category: Gameplay

A mod which adds several new abilities to the standard vampire race such as mind control through dialogue, a hidden daylight ring and the ability to call your vampire progeny to you from any distance.

Endorsements 46

Downloads 1.7k

File size 27.0KB

Specialised Faction Services
OneOnOne1162's avatar


Specialised Faction Services

by OneOnOne1162

Category: Guilds/Factions

This mod adds two unique services provided by every major faction such as assassination for the dark brotherhood or moneylending for the thieves guild.

Endorsements 96

Downloads 1.9k

File size 275.0KB

Simply Spells
OneOnOne1162's avatar


Simply Spells

by OneOnOne1162

Category: Magic - Spells & Enchantments

A small collection of balanced spells of all schools of magic available for purchase at the college.

Endorsements 39

Downloads 695

File size 22.0KB

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