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For CET developers. This is an implementation of bezier (single and multiple bezier segments)
Endorsements 4
Downloads 31
File size 28.0KB
For CET developers. Show debug visuals on screen, or log to json and view in separate app
Endorsements 2
Downloads 139
File size 38.0KB
Records an area with ray casts, c# app turns those hit points into polygons, saves as .obj and .mtl files
Endorsements 1
Downloads 110
File size 40.0KB
For mod authors only. Demonstrates how to apply an arbitrary rotation to the fpp camera
Endorsements 4
Downloads 39
File size 41.0KB
Hold a button to hang onto the side of a wall. Can also jump off walls
Endorsements 1.4k
Downloads 134.1k
File size 188.0KB
Grapple that pulls you up, or a rope, or a web swing through open spaces
Endorsements 480
Downloads 21.4k
File size 305.0KB
Helper tool for modders to sample sound clips that shipped with the game
Endorsements 10
Downloads 224
File size 3.0KB
Turns the player into a controllable hovercraft - or cruise missile if you're in the desert
Endorsements 75
Downloads 2.9k
File size 57.0KB
Push a button to teleport forward a little bit. Can jump through walls, doors, etc
Endorsements 463
Downloads 8.5k
File size 9.0KB
Endorsements 448
Downloads 90.9k
File size 226.0KB