

Verified mod author

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Oven Cooking
Povuholo's avatar

Fallout New Vegas

Oven Cooking

by Povuholo

Category: Miscellaneous

This mod allows you to cook/craft on all ovens in the game (the same things you can make with a campfire) with a chance, based on your luck, that they need to be repaired first. This is done with a pilot light and a sufficient repair or survival skill. Now the ovens are actually useful, being a common alternative to the campfire!

Endorsements 1.5k

Downloads 23.2k

File size 5.0KB

Distant Gunfire Sound Fix
Povuholo's avatar

Fallout New Vegas

Distant Gunfire Sound Fix

by Povuholo

Category: Sounds and Music

Fixes a bug with gunfire sounds going silent when you get a certain (pretty close) distance away from the shooter, which would then suddenly get louder as you got further away from the shooter.

Endorsements 496

Downloads 12.3k

File size 4.0KB

Companion Sandbox Mode
Povuholo's avatar

Fallout New Vegas

Companion Sandbox Mode

by Povuholo

Category: Companions

Changes the AI of companions so that they interact with their environment instead of just standing there when you tell them to wait. Version 2 keeps the original waiting AI, but has a Sandbox package that can be started through dialogue instead.

Endorsements 4k

Downloads 121.6k

File size 204.0KB

Gunfire Sound Range Increased
Povuholo's avatar

Fallout 3

Gunfire Sound Range Increased

by Povuholo

Category: Sounds and Music

Increases the range at which gunfire can be heard. Now you can hear NPCs fighting each other from greater distances.

Endorsements 387

Downloads 8.3k

File size 3.0KB

Crime Has Witnesses - Responsibility Tweak
Povuholo's avatar


Crime Has Witnesses - Responsibility Tweak

by Povuholo

Category: Gameplay Effects and Changes

A simple tweak for Kuertee\'s Crime has witnesses mod that prevents companions from becoming witnesses to your crimes.

Endorsements 841

Downloads 62.2k

File size 7.0KB

Povuholo's avatar

Fallout 3


by Povuholo

Category: Gameplay Effects and Changes

Gifts4Kids adds a new topic to all kids which allows you to give them a variety of gifts, including items such as nuka cola trucks, baseball caps which they\'ll actually wear, toy cars, teddy bears, basketballs and more. All dialogue uses vanilla children voice files, allowing it to seamlessly merge into the game.

Endorsements 262

Downloads 3.6k

File size 1.2MB

Kragenirs Death Quest
Povuholo's avatar


Kragenirs Death Quest

by Povuholo

Category: Quests And Adventures

Many years ago, Kragenir's tower had been sealed by the Knights of the Silver Nose, but as they die, the seals weaken... Can you find the keys required to break the seals so you can face Kragenir inside the tower before he escapes? Or... Are you going to help him? A Cyrodiil filled with quests awaits you!

Endorsements 1.1k

Downloads 43.3k

File size 1.6MB

Respawning Waterfront Pirates
Povuholo's avatar


Respawning Waterfront Pirates

by Povuholo

Category: Gameplay Effects and Changes

A request by NooBesT. This mod makes the pirates at the Imperial City Waterfront District respawn. The pirate script has also been edited slightly to allow the pirates to attack you again when you get close to the ship. It\'s possible that they will attack you on sight the second time though.

Endorsements 24

Downloads 833

File size 5.0KB

Hospital Pillows Collision Pillows
Povuholo's avatar


Hospital Pillows Collision Pillows

by Povuholo

Category: Items, Objects, and Clothes

Hospital Pillows are miscellaneous objects that the player -- or any other actor (IE, an NPC or creature) -- can stand on. Additionally, when stacked high enough, they will block the path and line-of-sight of any actor. Why you\'d want this you ask? Because this means you can make real pillow forts. No longer npc\'s walk right through your f

Endorsements 8

Downloads 219

File size 9.0KB

Quest for the Elements
Povuholo's avatar


Quest for the Elements

by Povuholo

Category: Quests And Adventures

A man named Alex appeared in Bravil, searching for help. He wants you to retrieve the Elemental Stones from the temple, and light the Elemental Lighthouses with them, so the elements in Tamriel will be balanced. But... are Alex\'s intentions really that noble? Did he really tell you everything? And who is this Wise One, who tries to prevent y

Endorsements 286

Downloads 9.9k

File size 4.0MB

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