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Increased the loot amount of big container crates sacks etc
Endorsements 151
Downloads 6.6k
File size 39.0KB
Endorsements 145
Downloads 5.3k
File size 21.0KB
enhances RTX lights by making them brighter and more vivid, while also increasing the environment lighting culling distance. It aims to create a realistic summer sun lighting effect for a more immersive gaming experience. Cave's and interiors should be properly lit now ! Compatible whit any other visual mods or Environmental Mods.
Endorsements 69
Downloads 2.4k
File size 1.0KB
Improve your game's visuals with this mod! Enjoy enhanced SSAO, RTAO, and HBAO effects, providing a Witcher 2 vibe. The RTAO is also darker. This mod increases the config file for stronger SSAO and HBAO effects and RTAO power. You can tweak the settings in real-time via DLL or by restarting the game.
Endorsements 225
Downloads 6.6k
File size 3.3MB
I ve been searching for a while for the PS4 graphics settings for a while this is the exact setting used for version 1.0 of Witcher GOTY
Endorsements 26
Downloads 742
File size 6.0KB