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Redecorates the interior of the Leopard dropship to make it feel more lived in. Vehicles for your company are stowed in the rear, a small workshop area is made, Fahad gets his own work desk in the corner, your mom's picture is posted on the wall in your room, and the lighting is slightly altered.
Endorsements 130
Downloads 2.1k
File size 2.0MB
Missions generate from 5-100 difficulty in all conflict zones in both campaign and career modes.
Endorsements 162
Downloads 2.5k
File size 77.0KB
After saving Freeman you are also rewarded with the Blackjack from the mission as well as custom pilot PFC Adil Said - call-sign "Rook". The skill cap of both pilots is raised to the max of 60.
Endorsements 319
Downloads 4.3k
File size 19.0KB
1.3: Nights are actually dark, weather is now realistically harsh (extreme snow is a blizzard), and the ridiculously fast cloud speed is slowed down. This mod is compatible with all known mods. You'll also experience crystal clear days where you can admire the beauty of the maps. More time of day options added to some biomes.
Endorsements 1.1k
Downloads 22.1k
File size 56.0KB
Ryana's portrait is replaced with the original portrait that can be seen in older gameplay videos such as the MechCon 2018 demo. She looks like a true commander in this portrait. This mod is not known to conflict with any existing mods. Special thanks to PGI's Alex Iglesias for providing the original artwork for this mod.
Endorsements 180
Downloads 2.3k
File size 295.0KB
The MW5 Bitchin Betty audio files are replaced with the MWO Betty audio files. It should not conflict with any other mods unless they also modify the Betty dialogue. This voice actress voiced Betty in both MechWarrior 2 and MechWarrior Online, so many players may prefer this voice over the new one from MechWarrior 5.
Endorsements 172
Downloads 1.8k
File size 3.9MB