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Stop The Screamers

Too many screamers!! Use this mod to set it back to A21 setup, and even configure the values yourself!

Endorsements 25

Downloads 776

File size 5.0KB

Knife Offset Fix

Moves the player's hands over a little bit when holding knives so that the tip lines up with the crosshair when you stab.

Endorsements 15

Downloads 344

File size 3.0KB

Skip News

The very tiny modlet (it's one line of code really) skips the News/Splash screen new to 1.0 experimental. Requires EAC off.

Endorsements 90

Downloads 3.2k

File size 2.0KB

Path Smoothing

A little mod that stops zombies from sticking to the voxel/block grid when pathfinding to the player. UPDATE: Now server-side only!

Endorsements 168

Downloads 7.1k

File size 10.0KB


It makes your inventory a 2D grid with three items per row, and it does it pretty karking well if you ask me.

Endorsements 349

Downloads 9.6k

File size 9.0KB


Makes the Armoury and Melk load faster, and makes the Premium Store load MUCH faster. Also makes the Mourningstar itself load faster, and makes the Psykhanium load MUCH faster.

Endorsements 944

Downloads 39.6k

File size 43.0KB

Holier Revenant

Adds an icon like your ability icon (your F), but for the zealot's Holy Revenant feat buff.

Endorsements 117

Downloads 2.4k

File size 5.0KB

Bugfix - Squad Location Marker Colours

Fixes issue where location markers put down by other players in your strike team have your player colour rather than the colour of the player who placed the marker.

Endorsements 151

Downloads 3.3k

File size 3.0KB

Pickup Notification Tweaker

Gives you access to a bunch of settings for customising the loot/material pickup notifications.

Endorsements 185

Downloads 4.6k

File size 5.0KB

Barter with Hadron

Y'know how in your inventory you can hold x to sell items? This lets you do that while crafting at Hadron's.

Endorsements 789

Downloads 20.6k

File size 4.0KB

Stuff Searcher

With this bad boy *slaps roof* you can search through your items, with text!

Endorsements 181

Downloads 4.5k

File size 7.0KB

Status Colours

This simple mod lets you specify the colour of the icon that appears in a player's frame when they are under a status effect, e.g. when they're down, or a hound has pounced them.

Endorsements 53

Downloads 691

File size 3.0KB

Player Outlines

Enables you to toggle visual aids for identifying other players. You can toggle the default skeleton-hologram, a highlighted mesh, and an outline, in any combination.

Endorsements 655

Downloads 21.2k

File size 5.0KB

No Skull

This mod removes the red skull icon that appears when you tag an enemy.

Endorsements 348

Downloads 9.5k

File size 3.0KB


It's a humble modlet that gives you access to an extra means of rotating blocks. It's called Rotato. Rotato frees you from the tyranny of spamming click in Advanced rotation mode and then clicking too many times and having to go around again slowly this time to make sure you actually get it, by giving you the ability to precisely control rotation.

Endorsements 38

Downloads 608

File size 175.0KB

Active Ingredients

This modlet enables you to click on the ingredients in a recipe's ingredient list, where it will auto-select a recipe that can produce the ingredient while also and showing other applicable recipes in the recipe list.

Endorsements 197

Downloads 4.7k

File size 16.0KB