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F4NV Recharger Weaponry - No NPC Spawn
SacerdosIacobvs's avatar

Fallout 4

F4NV Recharger Weaponry - No NPC Spawn

by SacerdosIacobvs

Category: Weapons

Deletes the injection of the recharger weapons from NPC lists, these guns are somewhat weak but gimmicky with the ammo regen, destined for player use.

Endorsements 6

Downloads 534

File size 15.0KB

22LR Silenced Pistol - American 180 Ammo Patch
SacerdosIacobvs's avatar

Fallout 4

22LR Silenced Pistol - American 180 Ammo Patch

by SacerdosIacobvs

Category: Ammo

Patch to replace RonnieMagnum's 22LR Silenced Pistol ammo with NovaFinch's American 180 ammo.

Endorsements 38

Downloads 1.2k

File size 2.0KB

BOS Rank Insignia Fix
SacerdosIacobvs's avatar

Fallout 4

BOS Rank Insignia Fix

by SacerdosIacobvs

Category: Armour

Fixes the BOS soldiers not using the right rank insignia... That's it, no big overhauls or changes, just the rank insignia fix.

Endorsements 22

Downloads 822

File size 158.0KB

Fallout 76 Weapon Buff
SacerdosIacobvs's avatar

Fallout 4

Fallout 76 Weapon Buff

by SacerdosIacobvs

Category: Weapons

Changes the damage output of the submachine gun, minigun, flamer and cryolator to match those of Fallout 76, giving these "weaker" weapons a much needed buff.

Endorsements 51

Downloads 1.8k

File size 2.0KB

HUDFramework Without Hitmarkers Patch
SacerdosIacobvs's avatar

Fallout 4

HUDFramework Without Hitmarkers Patch

by SacerdosIacobvs

Category: User Interface

A simple version of the HUDMenu.swf file that eliminates the hitmarkers from the game while using the HUDFramework mod for mods like Sim Settlements 2.

Endorsements 45

Downloads 1.6k

File size 125.0KB

Alternative Fancy Pastor Duds
SacerdosIacobvs's avatar

Fallout 4

Alternative Fancy Pastor Duds

by SacerdosIacobvs

Category: Clothing

A little retouch of Oax's mod "Fancy Pastor Duds" with a white stole and cincture, I also added some celtic crosses to the stole.

Endorsements 24

Downloads 371

File size 2.7MB

YonaTaku's Defense Gun 9mm Patch
SacerdosIacobvs's avatar

Fallout 4

YonaTaku's Defense Gun 9mm Patch

by SacerdosIacobvs

Category: Ammo

Converts the Defense Gun created by YonaTaku to use the 9mm ammo introduced by DeadPool2099's 9mm Pistol mod.

Endorsements 33

Downloads 689

File size 9.0KB

asXas Lee Enfield Immersion Changes (no laranjo)
SacerdosIacobvs's avatar

Fallout 4

asXas Lee Enfield Immersion Changes (no laranjo)

by SacerdosIacobvs

Category: Weapons

Changes some aspects of the Lee Enfield mod by asXas trying to make it more "immersive"

Endorsements 40

Downloads 685

File size 61.0KB

Horse Power Armor Rebalanced
SacerdosIacobvs's avatar

Fallout 4

Horse Power Armor Rebalanced

by SacerdosIacobvs

Category: Armour

Rebalances the Horse Power Armor from the Creation Club to be more "scaled", realistic and not OP, taking into consideration the stats of other power armors in game.

Endorsements 18

Downloads 482

File size 2.0KB

EVE - Enclave Enforcer Power Armor Fix
SacerdosIacobvs's avatar

Fallout 3

EVE - Enclave Enforcer Power Armor Fix

by SacerdosIacobvs

Category: Patches

This fixes a minor bug with the right glove of the Enforcer Power Armor not being able to unequip.

Endorsements 52

Downloads 888

File size 64.0KB