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A mod that adds modsettings to change font sizes and colors.

Endorsements 13

Downloads 267

File size 4.0KB

Force Move

Holding down ctrl while clicking to move on the world map will now force the player party to move in a straight line towards the destination, instead of looking for the most efficient path. For when you don't want your guys to run into a band of orcs because google maps told them to. Also includes an alternative version with inverted behavior.

Endorsements 26

Downloads 940

File size 1.0KB

Turn Order Numbers

Adds numbers above the heads of entities that indicate the turn order.

Endorsements 84

Downloads 2.9k

File size 61.0KB

Prepare Carefully

This mod allows you to reposition your bros before the first round.

Endorsements 63

Downloads 2.2k

File size 4.0KB

Combat Simulator

A mod that allows you to simulate fights; selecting the units, whether the player participates, the terrain and map, the music, and more.

Endorsements 35

Downloads 819

File size 71.0KB

Fatigue Recovery

Changes beginning of turn fatigue recovery from flat 15 to 9 + usable fatigue/10.

Endorsements 57

Downloads 1.6k

File size 2.0KB

Vision Radius

A simple mod that shows you your current vision radius.

Endorsements 151

Downloads 6.6k

File size 271.0KB

Delete Items

Delete items from your stash by pressing ctrl+shift+rightclick

Endorsements 17

Downloads 443

File size 3.0KB

Plan your perks

Plan out the builds of your brothers by highlighting the perks. No longer do you have to call your bro "2h QH hammer"

Endorsements 302

Downloads 14.1k

File size 1.7MB

Davkul Rising

The cultist archetype gets expanded into a faction, adding a bunch of new units, gear, locations, worldmap mechanics, two new contracts, a few events, and more.

Endorsements 286

Downloads 12.6k

File size 13.0MB

More Save Slots

Adds two more autosave and quicksave slots that the game cycles through.

Endorsements 206

Downloads 9.5k

File size 1.0KB

Balanced Tryout Mod

A mod that aims to enhance the functionality of Tryout while attempting to be balanced.

Endorsements 30

Downloads 838

File size 5.0KB

Dev Console

A dev console, intended for modders to test their changes and explore the game

Endorsements 50

Downloads 1.5k

File size 1.5MB

Choose your crisis

Choose your next crisis after the old one ends.

Endorsements 56

Downloads 1.3k

File size 1.0KB

Uncover Legendary Locations

A simple mod to uncover legendary locations, for when you just can't find them.

Endorsements 205

Downloads 7.9k

File size 1.0KB

Proper Raids

This mod aims to make the raiding situation, and by extension the crises, more impactful. You now can't enter a settlement while it's raided, and the situation lasts up to twice as long.

Endorsements 27

Downloads 571

File size 2.0KB


This mod adds the Necropolis as a new legendary location, with a sort-of-crisis attached to it.

Endorsements 82

Downloads 3.3k

File size 217.0KB

Combat Pause

Pause the game during combat

Endorsements 10

Downloads 277

File size 1.0KB

Turn it in

This mod allows you to turn in noble contracts at any of their settlements.

Endorsements 179

Downloads 4.7k

File size 1.0KB

More Scaling

This mod adds more scaling to the game. After the indicated day has been reached, the game will add resources to camps and spawned bands, and add more units to them until the resources are exhausted.

Endorsements 66

Downloads 2.1k

File size 3.0KB