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It does some pretty neat stuff like hand crafted global illumination, bloom and emissive tweaks and some pitch black environments.
Endorsements 84
Downloads 3.2k
File size 1.0MB
Take your immersion to the next level.More than 200 new ambient sound effects.Over 3000 hand places sound emitters.3D sound effect with actual distance and direction in the gameworld.
Endorsements 681
Downloads 66.8k
File size 711.7MB
Endorsements 13
Downloads 470
File size 3.0KB
A small mod which i've been working on recently. It simply adds an custom pickup sounds when looting an item.
Endorsements 966
Downloads 114.9k
File size 11.0KB
Clear and balanced lighting for a good gameplay ENB. Also adding style and atmosphere to FO3 was important which the bleak colors provide. Its an custom Midhrastic ENB with alternative style and atmosphere and with more balanced lighting.
Endorsements 1k
Downloads 52.7k
File size 1.0MB