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Better AI Empires
Thom293's avatar

Endless Space 2

Better AI Empires

by Thom293

Category: Miscellaneous

This makes AI Empires more challenging without giving them any cheat buffs. It makes a few small changes to allow the to AI make better decisions. They WILL invade and take planets, build better fleets and have better industry. Details in Mod Description.This is NOT an Overhaul mod. It is a Vanilla Plus Experience.

Endorsements 13

Downloads 362

File size 331.0KB

No Lollygagging Settlers
Thom293's avatar

Fallout 4

No Lollygagging Settlers

by Thom293

Category: NPC

This is a very small mod that makes a very big difference. When you ring the settlement bell to gather your Settlers, they will RUN to the bell. Right now, they slowly lollygag along and it can take ages for them all to show up in the larger settlements. This fixes that problem.

Endorsements 1.9k

Downloads 69.9k

File size 0B

Only Female Settlers - Vanilla Version.
Thom293's avatar

Fallout 4

Only Female Settlers - Vanilla Version.

by Thom293

Category: NPC

Just what it says. If you have no other mods changing settlers, this should make all GENERIC settlers that spawn after you install it female. This is the Vanilla version of the patch I made for my Better Settlers Mod.

Endorsements 657

Downloads 12.2k

File size 0B

Better Settlers
Thom293's avatar

Fallout 4

Better Settlers

by Thom293

Category: Player Settlement

Better Settlers is a lore friendly mod that adds more than 240 new settlers to the vanilla settler selections. You can choose to stop there, or further OPTIONS to customize them to spawn with more lore-friendly changes to their equipment, gender ratio, stats, or mortality. DLC and no-DLC versions and many other options available.

Endorsements 89.6k

Downloads 3.5m

File size 36.1MB

Mortal Settlers
Thom293's avatar

Fallout 4

Mortal Settlers

by Thom293

Category: NPC

Settlers can now be killed in settlement attacks by NPCs. Better gear them up with good armor and weapons! Companions, Provisioners, Children and the starter settlers (The Longs and Sturgis, Finch, Abernathy, etc.) are still protected, so it doesn't break your game (hopefully).

Endorsements 984

Downloads 24.3k

File size 32.0KB

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