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Wrye Morph
Wrye's avatar


Wrye Morph

by Wrye

Category: Gameplay Effects and Changes

Wrye Morph allows the player to shapeshift between multiple shapes or identities. Each shape/identity is physically distinct (race, gender, hair, eyes, face), and has its own equipment, class, faction memberships, and stats. Identities can be completely new or doppelganged from existing NPCs.

Endorsements 97

Downloads 2.7k

File size 263.0KB

Wrye Shivering Death
Wrye's avatar


Wrye Shivering Death

by Wrye

Category: Gameplay Effects and Changes

Improves the death avoidance spell that you\'re awarded at the end of main Shivering Isles quest. Essentially the spell is replaced by an ability (permanently active in all locations), and the implementation is improved so that death will be avoided in almost all cases. Not overbalanced -- death will still be quite annoying. It just won\'t be fatal

Endorsements 95

Downloads 1.9k

File size 82.0KB

Rational Names
Wrye's avatar


Rational Names

by Wrye

Category: Miscellaneous

Rational Names 2 aims to provide \"rational\", i.e., descriptive, easily sorted and distinguished names for many of items in Oblivion. Spells are now given ranked names (\"Flare I\", \"Flare II\", \"Flare III\") as are potions, magic scrolls, staffs, soul gems, alchmemical apparatus, and standard enchanted weapons, rings and amulets. Books, notes a

Endorsements 22

Downloads 375

File size 386.0KB

Wrye Mash
Wrye's avatar


Wrye Mash

by Wrye

Category: Utilities

Wrye Mash is a utility for installing and managing mods. And for managing and repairing savegames, and for... Well it\'s a long list.

Endorsements 6.5k

Downloads 155.1k

File size 730.0KB

Wrye Leveling
Wrye's avatar


Wrye Leveling

by Wrye

Category: Skills and Leveling

Wrye Leveling removes usage and training based skill leveling altogether and replaces them with an all-at-once level up based on your ability to pay. (Under the theory that gold == experience.)

Endorsements 97

Downloads 2.6k

File size 33.0KB

Wrye Bash - MOVED
Wrye's avatar


Wrye Bash - MOVED

by Wrye

Category: Utilities


Endorsements 43.6k

Downloads 1.8m

File size 42.1MB

Bain Mods
Wrye's avatar


Bain Mods

by Wrye

Category: Miscellaneous

Bain is \"Bash Installers\" a new feature of Wrye Bash. While Bain will recognize 90% of mod archives with no changes, some need to be restructured somewhat. This is a collection of such \"Bainified\" mods.

Endorsements 1k

Downloads 42.2k

File size 26.1MB

Real Hunger - Cobl
Wrye's avatar


Real Hunger - Cobl

by Wrye

Category: Gameplay Effects and Changes

Cobl version of real hunger, allows you to eat foods from all Cobl aware food supplying mods (including Cobl itself).

Endorsements 397

Downloads 12.1k

File size 189.0KB

Wrye's avatar



by Wrye

Category: Miscellaneous

[b]Common Oblivion (Cobl)[/b] is: 1) a world enrichment mod that adds lots of little things that enriches your gameplay experience; 2) a shared library that acts as a resource for other mods; and 3) an integration tool that allows different mods to "talk" to each other.

Endorsements 9.4k

Downloads 407.5k

File size 37.6MB

Landmarks with Wells
Wrye's avatar


Landmarks with Wells

by Wrye

Category: Miscellaneous

This mod simply adds a map marker at every Ayleid Well, Runestone, Doomstone and Wayshrine. I found it irritating these never got marked on the map because often you can\'t use them when you first find them and need to return later... only by then you\'ve no idea where they were. (Note: This is an expansion of Daleth/PhoenixAmon\'s Landmarks,

Endorsements 1.1k

Downloads 30.6k

File size 6.0KB

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