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Unbarricades Doc Mitchell's backdoor and makes it travable through. I recommend using it if you're using the Alt Start mod, so you won't get trapped in his house (if it bugs out, like mine). It can also be used for whatever other purpose you have.
Endorsements 57
Downloads 839
File size 1.0KB
Jason\'s left camp crystal lake. Now he is after you. And you will die.
Endorsements 196
Downloads 3.6k
File size 11.0MB
Removes all the blur and the overlay when you pause. Small change but BIG difference.
Endorsements 1.4k
Downloads 37.3k
File size 213.0KB
Yes, another player home. Adds a player home near the Blue Paradise Vacation Rentals.
Endorsements 17
Downloads 189
File size 90.0KB
Removes the new patch bug that causes the beatrix sex script to repeatedly occur. AKA ghoul sounds (choking), screen fades, cant move, repeats.
Endorsements 563
Downloads 10.6k
File size 1.4MB
Endorsements 101
Downloads 1.6k
File size 10.0KB
HD One Handed Melee weapons done by insanity sorrow.
Endorsements 2.6k
Downloads 138.9k
File size 44.4MB
No more blurred IMODS, Small change, but a big difference.
Endorsements 1.1k
Downloads 70.8k
File size 213.0KB