

Verified mod author

78,889 Unique downloads

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Dying Light Maxxed Save

A very Dying Light fully done save file :)Note: this was created using v1.42 so it guaranteed to work with that or anything newer older version MIGHT not work EDIT: anything from v1.35 should work perfectly but you lose any weapons from the updates you don't have

Endorsements 112

Downloads 3.1k

File size 22.0KB

Nox10ber's Humble DevMenu

Your typical dev menu except this time it can be found in the "Extras" of the ingame pause menu for the sole reason that it allows the mod to work on most versions if not all of them instead of crashing newer version and messing up the esc menu.

Endorsements 1.3k

Downloads 80.1k

File size 9.0KB