
Verified mod author

343,193 Unique downloads

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Frank West

Replaces James with Frank West from Dead Rising

Endorsements 8

Downloads 161

File size 398.7MB

Robbie The Rabbit

Replaces James with Robbie The Rabbit

Endorsements 17

Downloads 678

File size 15.3MB

Pyramid The Tank Engine

Replaces Pyramid Head with Thomas the tank engine

Endorsements 10

Downloads 722

File size 15.0MB

Sable Ward pack

Replaces all of Claire's outfits with Sable Ward from Dead By Daylight

Endorsements 35

Downloads 1.5k

File size 216.2MB

Haddie Kaur Pack

Replaces claire Redfield with Haddie Kaur from Dead By Daylight

Endorsements 5

Downloads 290

File size 242.0MB

Minecraft Steve over Ryu

Replaces Ryu (Default) With Steve from Minecraft

Endorsements 190

Downloads 4.1k

File size 691.0KB

Bill Overbeck

Replaces Leon (Shirt) with Bill Overbeck (Model from DBD)

Endorsements 51

Downloads 1.1k

File size 41.2MB

The Tofu Survivor's with Jiggle Physics

Replaces Leon (Shirt) With all the Tofu Variant's from RE2

Endorsements 48

Downloads 887

File size 21.9MB

Leon - Resident Evil 6 Pirate

Gives Leon his "Pirate" Outfit from RE6

Endorsements 77

Downloads 2k

File size 3.1MB

Leon - Resident Evil 6 Asia

Gives Leon his "Asia" Outfit from RE6

Endorsements 514

Downloads 11k

File size 9.6MB

Leon - RE6 Inspired Face (Beta)

Changes Leon's Face textures to look more like his RE6 model

Endorsements 212

Downloads 4.6k

File size 42.9MB

Leon - Resident Evil 6 Jacket

Gives Leon his Jacket from Resident Evil 6

Endorsements 349

Downloads 9.5k

File size 23.8MB

The Mercenaries - Luis and Leon Main game files and Hair Strands

Makes The Mercenaries load Luis's Main game files to play with mods made for story! + Hair strand option for Leon and Luis

Endorsements 47

Downloads 772

File size 2.2MB

The Mercenaries - Leon Costumes

Use all of leon's alt costumes in the mercenaries

Endorsements 133

Downloads 6.5k

File size 862.0KB

Simple UI - Mercenaries

Removes and moves certain elements of the UI in mercenaries mode to create a cleaner look.

Endorsements 110

Downloads 1.8k

File size 566.0KB

Hunk - Grim Reaper

Gives Hunk his "Grim Reaper" outfit from Merce3D

Endorsements 189

Downloads 4.7k

File size 36.5MB

GFUEL Mod Pack

Includes 2 Leon replacement mods and herb replacements

Endorsements 62

Downloads 2.2k

File size 13.0MB

Zeebo Enemies

Makes the skin of the Ganado's, Zealots and soldiers blue to match the Zeebo version of RE4

Endorsements 52

Downloads 1.1k

File size 89.2MB

Rebecca Chambers

Replaces Ashley (Jacketless) with Rebecca Chambers (Model from DBD)

Endorsements 328

Downloads 6.7k

File size 30.9MB

Leon - Classic Jacket

Replaces Leon (Jacket) With his Classic Jacket (From DBD)

Endorsements 136

Downloads 3.3k

File size 39.1MB